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man i hope i won't have to rebuild tgui 30 times
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To Fikou

fixes stealthpods

critical bugfix

i hoped wrong


accdiently enabled a unit test lmao

fixes and wixes
  • Loading branch information
MrDoomBringer committed Jul 13, 2020
1 parent aa30983 commit f50177e
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Showing 8 changed files with 137 additions and 51 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion code/modules/antagonists/traitor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
var/obj/structure/closet/supplypod/extractionpod/pod = source

// Handle the pod returning

if (ishuman(M))
var/mob/living/carbon/human/target = M
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74 changes: 55 additions & 19 deletions code/modules/cargo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
var/turf/oldTurf //Keeps track of where the user was at if they use the "teleport to centcom" button, so they can go back
var/client/holder //client of whoever is using this datum
var/area/bay //What bay we're using to launch shit from.
var/turf/dropoff_turf //If we're reversing, where the reverse pods go
var/launchClone = FALSE //If true, then we don't actually launch the thing in the bay. Instead we call duplicateObject() and send the result
var/launchRandomItem = FALSE //If true, lauches a single random item instead of everything on a turf.
var/launchChoice = 1 //Determines if we launch all at once (0) , in order (1), or at random(2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +67,8 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm
data["bay"] = bay //Holds the current bay the user is launching objects from. Bays are specific rooms on the centcom map.
data["bayNumber"] = B //Holds the bay as a number. Useful for comparisons in centcom_podlauncher.ract
data["oldArea"] = (oldTurf ? get_area(oldTurf) : null) //Holds the name of the area that the user was in before using the teleportCentcom action
data["picking_dropoff_turf"] = picking_dropoff_turf //If we're picking or have picked a dropoff turf. Only works when pod is in reverse mode
data["dropoff_turf"] = dropoff_turf //The turf that reverse pods will drop their newly acquired cargo off at
data["launchClone"] = launchClone //Do we launch the actual items in the bay or just launch clones of them?
data["launchRandomItem"] = launchRandomItem //Do we launch a single random item instead of everything on the turf?
data["launchChoice"] = launchChoice //Launch turfs all at once (0), ordered (1), or randomly(1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,6 +127,21 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm
bay = locate(/area/centcom/supplypod/loading/ert) in GLOB.sortedAreas
. = TRUE
if("pickDropoffTurf") //Enters a mode that lets you pick the dropoff location for reverse pods
if (picking_dropoff_turf)
picking_dropoff_turf = FALSE
updateCursor(FALSE, FALSE) //Update the cursor of the user to a cool looking target icon
if (launcherActivated)
launcherActivated = FALSE //We don't want to have launch mode enabled while we're picking a turf
picking_dropoff_turf = TRUE
updateCursor(FALSE, TRUE) //Update the cursor of the user to a cool looking target icon
. = TRUE
picking_dropoff_turf = FALSE
dropoff_turf = null
updateCursor(FALSE, FALSE)
. = TRUE
if("teleportCentcom") //Teleports the user to the centcom supply loading facility.
var/mob/M = holder.mob //We teleport whatever mob the client is attached to at the point of clicking
oldTurf = get_turf(M) //Used for the "teleportBack" action
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +200,7 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm
var/list/expNames = list("Devastation", "Heavy Damage", "Light Damage", "Flame") //Explosions have a range of different types of damage
var/list/boomInput = list()
for (var/i=1 to expNames.len) //Gather input from the user for the value of each type of damage
boomInput.Add(input("[expNames[i]] Range", "Enter the [expNames[i]] range of the explosion. WARNING: This ignores the bomb cap!", 0) as null|num)
boomInput.Add(input("Enter the [expNames[i]] range of the explosion. WARNING: This ignores the bomb cap!", "[expNames[i]] Range", 0) as null|num)
if (isnull(boomInput[i]))
if (!isnum(boomInput[i])) //If the user doesn't input a number, set that specific explosion value to zero
Expand All @@ -203,7 +222,7 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm
damageChoice = 0
temp_pod.damage = 0
var/damageInput = input("How much damage to deal", "Enter the amount of brute damage dealt by getting hit", 0) as null|num
var/damageInput = input("Enter the amount of brute damage dealt by getting hit","How much damage to deal", 0) as null|num
if (isnull(damageInput))
if (!isnum(damageInput)) //Sanitize the input for damage to deal.s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,10 +260,10 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm
if (temp_pod.effectShrapnel == TRUE) //If already doing custom damage, set back to default (no shrapnel)
temp_pod.effectShrapnel = FALSE
var/shrapnelInput = input("Projectile Typepath", "Please enter the type of pellet cloud you'd like to create on landing (Can be any projectile!)", 0) in sortList(subtypesof(/obj/projectile), /proc/cmp_typepaths_asc)
var/shrapnelInput = input("Please enter the type of pellet cloud you'd like to create on landing (Can be any projectile!)", "Projectile Typepath", 0) in sortList(subtypesof(/obj/projectile), /proc/cmp_typepaths_asc)
if (isnull(shrapnelInput))
var/shrapnelMagnitude = input("Shrapnel Magnitude", "Enter the magnitude of the pellet cloud. This is usually a value around 1-5. Please note that Ryll-Ryll has asked me to tell you that if you go too crazy with the projectiles you might crash the server. So uh, be gentle!", 0) as null|num
var/shrapnelMagnitude = input("Enter the magnitude of the pellet cloud. This is usually a value around 1-5. Please note that Ryll-Ryll has asked me to tell you that if you go too crazy with the projectiles you might crash the server. So uh, be gentle!", "Shrapnel Magnitude", 0) as null|num
if (isnull(shrapnelMagnitude))
if (!isnum(shrapnelMagnitude))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,7 +468,7 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm
. = TRUE
if("giveLauncher") //Enters the "Launch Mode". When the launcher is activated, temp_pod is cloned, and the result it filled and launched anywhere the user clicks (unless specificTarget is true)
launcherActivated = !launcherActivated
updateCursor(launcherActivated) //Update the cursor of the user to a cool looking target icon
updateCursor(launcherActivated, FALSE) //Update the cursor of the user to a cool looking target icon
. = TRUE
if("clearBay") //Delete all mobs and objs in the selected bay
if(alert(usr, "This will delete all objs and mobs in [bay]. Are you sure?", "Confirmation", "Delete that shit", "No") == "Delete that shit")
Expand All @@ -460,20 +479,25 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm
/datum/centcom_podlauncher/ui_close() //Uses the destroy() proc. When the user closes the UI, we clean up the temp_pod and supplypod_selector variables.

/datum/centcom_podlauncher/proc/updateCursor(var/launching) //Update the moues of the user
if (holder) //Check to see if we have a client
if (launching) //If the launching param is true, we give the user new mouse icons.
/datum/centcom_podlauncher/proc/updateCursor(var/launching, var/turf_picking) //Update the mouse of the user
if (!holder) //Can't update the mouse icon if the client doesnt exist!
if (launching || turf_picking) //If the launching param is true, we give the user new mouse icons.
holder.mouse_up_icon = 'icons/effects/mouse_pointers/supplypod_target.dmi' //Icon for when mouse is released
holder.mouse_down_icon = 'icons/effects/mouse_pointers/supplypod_down_target.dmi' //Icon for when mouse is pressed
holder.mouse_pointer_icon = holder.mouse_up_icon //Icon for idle mouse (same as icon for when released)
holder.click_intercept = src //Create a click_intercept so we know where the user is clicking
var/mob/M = holder.mob
holder.mouse_up_icon = null
holder.mouse_down_icon = null
holder.click_intercept = null
if (M)
M.update_mouse_pointer() //set the moues icons to null, then call update_moues_pointer() which resets them to the correct values based on what the mob is doing (in a mech, holding a spell, etc)()
holder.mouse_up_icon = 'icons/effects/mouse_pointers/supplypod_pickturf.dmi' //Icon for when mouse is released
holder.mouse_down_icon = 'icons/effects/mouse_pointers/supplypod_pickturf_down.dmi' //Icon for when mouse is pressed
holder.mouse_pointer_icon = holder.mouse_up_icon //Icon for idle mouse (same as icon for when released)
holder.click_intercept = src //Create a click_intercept so we know where the user is clicking
var/mob/M = holder.mob
holder.mouse_up_icon = null
holder.mouse_down_icon = null
holder.click_intercept = null
if (M)
M.update_mouse_pointer() //set the moues icons to null, then call update_moues_pointer() which resets them to the correct values based on what the mob is doing (in a mech, holding a spell, etc)()

/datum/centcom_podlauncher/proc/InterceptClickOn(user,params,atom/target) //Click Intercept so we know where to send pods where the user clicks
var/list/pa = params2list(params)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -512,6 +536,15 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm
launch(target) //If we couldn't locate an adjacent turf, just launch at the normal target
sleep(rand()*2) //looks cooler than them all appearing at once. Gives the impression of burst fire.
else if (picking_dropoff_turf)
//Clicking on UI elements shouldn't pick a dropoff turf
return FALSE

. = TRUE
if(left_click) //When we left click:
dropoff_turf = get_turf(target)
to_chat(user, "<span class = 'notice'> You've selected [dropoff_turf] at [COORD(dropoff_turf)] as your dropoff location.</span>")

/datum/centcom_podlauncher/proc/refreshBay() //Called whenever the bay is switched, as well as wheneber a pod is launched
orderedArea = createOrderedArea(bay) //Create an ordered list full of turfs form the bay
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -569,7 +602,10 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm
if (isnull(A))
var/obj/structure/closet/supplypod/centcompod/toLaunch = DuplicateObject(temp_pod) //Duplicate the temp_pod (which we have been varediting or configuring with the UI) and store the result
toLaunch.bay = bay //Bay is currently a nonstatic expression, so it cant go into toLaunch using DuplicateObject
toLaunch.reverse_dropoff_turf = dropoff_turf
toLaunch.reverse_dropoff_turf = bay //Bay is currently a nonstatic expression, so it cant go into toLaunch using DuplicateObject
toLaunch.update_icon()//we update_icon() here so that the door doesnt "flicker on" right after it lands
var/shippingLane = GLOB.areas_by_type[/area/centcom/supplypod/fly_me_to_the_moon]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -608,7 +644,7 @@ force_open = FALSE, datum/tgui/master_ui = null, datum/ui_state/state = GLOB.adm

/datum/centcom_podlauncher/Destroy() //The Destroy() proc. This is called by ui_close proc, or whenever the user leaves the game
updateCursor(FALSE) //Make sure our moues cursor resets to default. False means we are not in launch mode
updateCursor(FALSE, FALSE) //Make sure our moues cursor resets to default. False means we are not in launch mode
qdel(temp_pod) //Delete the temp_pod
qdel(selector) //Delete the selector effect
. = ..()
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions code/modules/cargo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
faction = list("gondola")
turns_per_move = 10
icon = 'icons/obj/supplypods.dmi'
icon_state = "pod_gondola"
icon_living = "pod_gondola"
icon_state = "gondola"
icon_living = "gondola"
pixel_x = -16//2x2 sprite
pixel_y = -5
layer = TABLE_LAYER//so that deliveries dont appear underneath it
Expand Down

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