microservice to be used to
- log loan-related data onto the algorand blockchain by
- creating NFTs with loan-data as token-metadata
- creating transactions from token-owner to token-owner writing arbitrary-data into the note-field of the tx
- return all logs/notes related to created asset
You will need to have a local blockchain running to test most of the stuff, so you will need to install basic algorand support.
this required me some fiddling around and I cant retrace the exact steps that worked for me. The goal should be to have a local node network runnning on your PC of which you need to know
- the algod-address: Usually localhost:4001
- the algod-toekn: Usually a bunch of "aaaaa..."
- the master-mnemonic: a passphrase for an acconut on the network that holds (preferably a lot) of algos. Its 24 words from which a private/public key pair can be derived
Maybe the master-mnemonic needs to be exported using goal
-cli tool (see troubleshooting section below)
follow instructions here to set up a local network that you can then start with
make create-private-net
this didnt immediately work for me, now I am doing this:
(tenv) ➜ infrastructure git:(develop) ✗ goal network start -r ./node_data
cd to algobuilder/infrastructure
make sandbox-up
make sandbox-down
see example.env
and fill in the mnemonics from your local blockchain & the token for the purestake.io API
a local virtual env running python version 3.8
e.g. using virtualenv
setup virtualenv (e.g named 'algo-env') and point it to your local executable of python 3.8 like this:
virtualenv algo-env --python=/usr/bin/python3.8 source algo-env/bin/activate pip install -r requirememts.txt pip install -r requirememts-dev.txt
e.g. like described here (<-vscode)
make dev-api-local
then check out the docs at http://localhost:8000/docs
make test-local
this should work for the local network but can also be done for the sandbox
(for the lattter, you probably need to prefix the command with .sandbox
and maybe the first step is not neccessary)
cd to /infrastructure / wherever you installed sandbox
first export network data root so that goal commands need not always specify with -d flag
export ALGORAND_DATA="$HOME/net1/Primary"
- get master account address
algorand goal account list
- export mnemonic:
: please price excite wash exit news hybrid cool hurdle athlete transfer giggle ...