Homepage for Arboreum Website
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
To see the full documentation regarding that, go here. The salient points are reproduced below, along with important custom setup documentation.
This project uses yarn
. Install it as described here https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/ if you haven't already.
To install this project, simply clone the repo and run yarn
git clone https://github.com/mustafasaifee42/arboreum.git
cd arboreum
This will install all the dependencies for the project locally.
You can also use npm
. Install it as described here https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm, if you dont have it already.
To install this project, simply clone the repo and run npm install
git clone https://github.com/mustafasaifee42/arboreum.git
cd arboreum
npm install
This will install all the dependencies for the project locally.
In the project directory, you can run:
(if using yarn)
(if using npm)
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
The website has a continuous integration using netlify. Any changes that are pushed to the master branch will automatically be deployed to the production.
To do any edit to the website first install the website locally. Do the changes locally and test it locally using yarn start
. Once you are the satified with the changes and there are no bugs or errors push the changes to master branch and the wbesite (with the changes will be deployed automatically)
First add all the untracked and modified file to the staging area. For that you can run:
This will add all the untracked files to staging. You can add individual files to the stging area by using:
For example git add file1.js image.png index.html
to add only file1.js
, image.png
and index.html
to the staging area
Then you will have to commit all the changes to local branch using:
Commit message helps in tracking the changes in the project which can be useful when working in a team.
You can also combine the add and commit step using:
Now you are ready to push the commits to master. For that you can use:
If you working on the master branch locally
To edit or change the announcement bar at the top edit the copy.json
in ./src/Announecement/assets/data
Data Structure
"announcement": string, // if announcement key is not present then the annoucement bar wont appear. Required
"logo": string, // path of logo or image that appear after the text. The image should be uploaded in the public folder. For ex. an image named img.jpg in assets folder in public folder can be linked using the path here "./assets/img.jpg". Not compulsary
"link": string // if the announcement need to be linked to another web page. Not compulsary
To add or remove partners from this strip edit the partners.json
in ./src/HeroBanner/assets/data
Data Structure
"link": string, // link to the webpage of the partner. Required
"logo": string, // path of logo of the partner. The image should be uploaded in the public folder. For ex. an image named img.jpg in assets folder in public folder can be linked using the path here "./assets/img.jpg". Required
"altText": string // Alternate text for accesibility. Required
To add, remove or edit feature cards, edit the copy.json
in ./src/Features/assets/data
Data Structure
"icon": string, // path of icon for the feature (preferabbly the aspect ration should be the same). The image should be uploaded in the public folder. For ex. an image named img.jpg in assets folder in public folder can be linked using the path here "./assets/img.jpg". Required
"title": string, // Title of the feature. Required
"description": string // Description of the feature. Required
To add, remove or edit partnership cards, edit the copy.json
in ./src/Partnership/assets/data
Data Structure
"icon": string, // path of icon for the feature (preferabbly the aspect ration should be the same). The image should be uploaded in the public folder. For ex. an image named img.jpg in assets folder in public folder can be linked using the path here "./assets/img.jpg". Required
"title": string, // Title of the feature. Required
"description": string // Description of the feature. Required
Team section is divided in 2 part
- Leadership Team
- Advisory
To add, remove or edit leadership team cards, edit the team.json
in ./src/Team/assets/data
and to edit advisory team cards, edit the advisory.json
in ./src/Team/assets/data
Data Structure
"name": string, // Name of the team member. Required
"position": string, // Designation of the team member. Required
"description": string, // Details of the team member. Required
"linkedin": string, // Linkedin profile link. Not compulsary
"photo": string, // Photograph of the team member (preferabbly the aspect ration should be 1:1). The image should be uploaded in the public folder. For ex. an image named img.jpg in assets folder in public folder can be linked using the path here "./assets/img.jpg". Required
To add, remove or edit social media links in the foote, edit the sm.json
in ./src/Footer/assets/data
Data Structure
"socialMedia": string, // Name of the social media this json object refer to. Required
"icon": string, // PIcon for the social media (preferabbly the aspect ration should be 1:1). The image should be uploaded in the public folder. For ex. an image named img.jpg in assets folder in public folder can be linked using the path here "./assets/img.jpg". Required
"link": string, // Link to the social media page. Required