A python project which uses a Muse 2016 to make a servo-powered hand wave by using theta power as a biomarker for 'focus'.
Users wear Muse and neural signal is sent to Windows PC through Muselsl and
BlueMuse. Muselsl supports time series visualization using
muselsl view
. To start calibration with system, run Wave.ipynb. This will initiate a PsychoPy calibration screen which
directs users to relax and focus. This trains our system to understand the users current specific theta power threshold which
determines 'focused' vs 'non-focused' states.
Wave.ipynb : Main
psycho_tracker.py : The Calibration class and other metric collection things
data_record.py : Data record class for Calibration class to hold
utils.py : Collects data from inlet
process.py : Returns the smooth band powers given the eeg_data
metrics.py : Calculates and returns the metrics (e.g. alpha, theta, beta, delta) given the smooth band powers
PsychoPy_Code/PsychoRun.py : run_psychopy() to run the calibration visuals
PsychoPy_Code/pics : The images that PsychoPy uses
PsychoPy_Code/data : The data recoreded by PsychoPy records (not necessary)
- BrainWave.py contains the most up-to-date code for the PsychoPy calibration portion.
To run, make sure you have PsychoPy dependencies installed https://www.psychopy.org/installation.html
- Introduction click
- Instructions click
- Loop (3 times, each with a random landscape and Waldo image)
3a) Relax cue 1s
3b) Relax 10s w/ Landscape image
3c) Focus cue 1s
3d) Focus 7s w/ Where's Waldo image