DE Bench: Can Agents Solve Real-World Data Engineering Problems?
This is repository of real world problems for Data Engineering Agents to solve
There is a README within each test folder to explain the problem and the tests
To Run this testing yourself:
Clone the repo into wherever you want. Ideally a tests folder
Set Environment variables a. Set BENCHMARK_ROOT to the full path of the folder you clone the repo into b. Set MODEL_PATH to the path to your model
Edit the file to edit the wrapper and import in your model. You must make sure MODEL_PATH is the same path for your model import. Plug in your model to the wrapper function in Run_Model
Install requirements.txt with pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure your tools and permissions:
- Required Role: dbAdmin
- Permissions needed:
- Create/Delete Collections
- Create/Delete Databases
- Read/Write to Collections
Use pytest to run. Pytest to run all or pytest -m "category" to run all tests of a specific category. Pytest supports and and or operators too. Something like pytest -m "one and two" will work.
A lot of the tests run on tools or frameworks. We've set up a clean .env file with all the necessary variables needed. We've tried to optimize the setup of all the tests but it will likely charge some credits through the tools. Keep that in mind.
Environment Variables Template: