Improved Camera SE is an immersive first person camera modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. NG version allows this modification to work across multiple SkyrimSE versions from 1.5.97 to 1.6.1179 thanks to CommonLibSSE-NG and Address Library.
Credits: Capt. Panda
- Visual Studio 2022 IDE - Programming Tool for Software Developers
- Desktop development with C++
- MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (Latest)
- Windows 10 SDK (10.0.20348.0)
- Desktop development with C++
Main solution can be found inside of build/VC17/ImprovedCameraSE_VS2022.sln.
- LogicDragon for Enhanced Camera.
- inmundano for the bulk reverse engineering work that went into Improved Camera SE.
- Ian Patterson and developers for SKSE64.
- Ryan-rsm-Mckenzie CommonLibSSE original version, powerof3 CommonLibSSE community version, CharmedBaryon CommonLibSSE nextgen version and various other contributors to the CommonLibSSE libraries.
- meh321 for address library.