- Art & Graphics
- Make event pictures for spell system
- Make icons for new troop types
- Make new kislevite clothes
- Make new clothes for kurgans and update female version
0.1.0 basic -- means getting rid of non warhammer stuff
- basic port of cbs
- port council conected data, and events
- basic port of factions
- basic port of objectives
- basic port of on_action mechanics with corresponding events
- basic port of decisions (without minor ones)
- traits
- modifiers
- history
- titles
- port all events from events_to_port, basic port only - get rid of non warhammer stuff
- implement buildings for all human races
- implement units, retinues and culture modifiers (humans only)
- final touch of traits, modifiers, cultures, religions (humans only)
- make race&culture specific changes to basic events (humans only)
- make race&culture specific changes to decisions (humans only)
- make race&culture specific localisation chagnes (humans only)
- implement chaos connected event based mechanics
- implement doom engine
- implement magic learning & inheritance mechanics
- implement arcane magic for characters (fire, ice, chaos)
- implement arcane magic for battlefield & council
- implement full duel engine
- implement beastmean engine
- expand amount of lores (fire, ligt, ice, chaos, lady of the lake lores...?)
- hidden chaos mechancis (cults )
- make necessary event,plots, actions modifications to integrate warhammer new systems into other game mechancis
- finish all the province info for old world
- finish off the map visuals
- make culutre spcific portraits (humans)
- make culture specific clothes (humans)
- make culture specific unti graphics (humans)
- make culture specific buildings (humans)
- graphical culture changes
- make culture specific untit graphics (humans)
- make all humans interface additions
- flavour and historic events (just a few for humans only)
- bug fixing
- balancing
- localisation final touches
0.2.0 First playable immersive versions with humans
- norscans, imperials, bertonnians, hungs, kurgans, kislevites, border guys ready
- warhammer specific systems (magic, chaos cultists, doom engine, beastmen, duels)
- warhammer changed vanilla mechanics
- use four space indentation in dynamic script code
- see docs directory
- MUST see the google drive with design guides!