a blog for posting online recipes with Django 4.2 and redis / postgres
a custom user model has been used
users can login with google or github
when a new user signup a wellcome email is sent using signals
user email verifucation is optional
users can reset-password, change email and etc.
2 step verification is optional
Users can post recipes and do CRUD on them
users can follow and unfollow each other
User can see rcipes from your followning accuonts
Home feed will show recipes posted from your following accounts
recipe list will show newest recipes
users can Like and Comment on a recipe
Users can Bookmark recipe for later
bookmarked recipes are avalible in profile
some pages are cached with Redis
user can see the contact info in profile
Bookmarked recipes are visible in profile
all the posted recipes are showen in profile
users can follow or un follow each other in profile page
if a user is owner of a profile extra info will be showen like bookarked / liked recipes
filter and search for recipes are available
recipe have images
in recipe list you can see title and image then you have to click on it to see details
in recipe detail you see instructions and other informaitions
you can bookmark recipe in the detail view
build docker compose yaml file
create a psql DB and a local_cnf.py file
add your data base info to local_cnf.py
then run migrations
python manage.py migrate
create a super user and login