A simple package for integrating MyKi Gsm/GSP tracking watch in home-assistant
I am using a rest integration to fetch the device location data from the MyKi Web App, and update my child's custom device_tracker which is defined in known_devices.yaml
First, we define a custom device_tracker
in /config/known_devices.yaml
# whichever device_id you want to define, I used myki_watch_1 here
# device friendly name
name: MyKi Watch
# made up, but unique mac address
mac: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:F1
# default device picture
picture: https://www.home-assistant.io/images/favicon-192x192.png
# indicate that the device position will change
track: true
# ... repeat for any other devices
Then, we create a myki package, where we bundle all the config related to this MyKi integration.
Contents of /config/packages/myki.yaml
# I use rest integration to fetch the data from
- authentication: basic
username: ""
password: ""
# I have set it to update every 60s
scan_interval: 60
Accept: application/json,text/plain,*/*
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0
# The Authorization header copied from the MyKi web app and stored in secrets.yaml
Authorization: !secret my_myki_token
resource: https://my.myki.watch/api/watch/app-data
# the MyKi Watch deviceid from the Web App (does not really need to be in secrets.yaml)
id: !secret my_myki_device
- name: "MyKi Watch 1"
value_template: "OK"
json_attributes_path: "$.data.current"
- position
- battery
- steps
# ... Copy and paste for other MyKi Watches
# Next, we update the device_tracker GPS position using the device_tracker.see service,
# every time the command_line sensor is updated...
- id: update_myki_watch_1_position
alias: Update MyKi position for watch 1
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.myki_watch_1
condition: []
- service: device_tracker.see
source_type: gps
dev_id: myki_watch_1
host_name: myki_watch_1
- '{{ state_attr(''sensor.myki_watch_1'', ''position'').latitude }}'
- '{{ state_attr(''sensor.myki_watch_1'', ''position'').longitude }}'
gps_accuracy: '{{ state_attr(''sensor.myki_watch_1'', ''position'').accuracy }}'
battery: '{{ state_attr(''sensor.myki_watch_1'', ''battery'') | round(0) }}'
mode: single
Make sure you enable packages in configuration.yaml
packages: !include_dir_named packages/
Next, you go to your Settings > People
and add your child and use myki_watch_1
as a tracking device.
You have to copy the auth key from the MyKi web app. Login to https://my.myki.watch/ and in the console type:
After you hit enter, copy the result (it will look something like XYZ...==
) and add it to your secrets.yaml
my_myki_token: Basic XYZ...==
That's it. Cheers