if you Located in China we recommend you follow this page to install gnu radio
if you are not in China you can follow this page to install
NOTICE we recommend you use Using the build-gnuradio script to build up gnu radio
if you installed gnu radio you can follow those step to check your system:
- run gnu radio
$ gnuradio-companion
after this command you will see a GUI of gnuradio.
- connect your device(like USRP) to your computer.
- run the script
open the script from "grc_dslwp_new/frontend_dslwp_rx_uhd.grc" and click run button. if the window show up, it works!!
Proxy to send decoded telemetry from DSLWP for realtime display.
Use this proxy with on-air receiving only.
, lilacsat_proxy.desktop may also be useful.
$ sudo chmod 777 setup.sh $ sudo ./setup.sh
make sure you have pip(for python2.7)
$ pip -V
if it return:
pip 8.1.1 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python 2.7)
pip works!
to install pip for python2.7
$ sudo apt install python-pip
to install python environment
$ sudo python -m pip install tornado==4.5.3
$ sudo python -m pip install requests
$ sudo apt install python-dbus
$ sudo apt install python-qt4
$ chmod a+x launch.sh
change dir to proxy path and run
$ ./launch.sh
python ./mun_downlink_proxy.py
Usually, the proxy is configured.
You only to change your nickname, longitude, latitude, altitude(altitude is not necessary)
if you send the date to server sucessful. server will return some text.