This repo serves as a proof of concept for a connection between an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi using the serialport library and docker.
Before you can run this application you need the following dependencies.
git --version # Developed on: git version 2.9.3
docker -v # Developed on: Docker version 1.13.1, build 092cba3
node -v # Developed on: v7.5.0
npm -v # Developed on: 4.1.2
git clone && cd serial-test
npm install
node index.js
Node, npm, and serialport are included in this docker image armhf-node-serialport. To test, run the following command, replacing the values in angular brackets:
docker run -it --device /dev/<DEVICE NAME>:/dev/<DEVICE NAME> --rm -p 8080:8080 --env-file .secret.SERIALPORT.env -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app/ -w /usr/src/app/ arunk3001/armhf-node-serialport sh -c 'node index.js'