This is the collection of the notebooks I made as a coordinator of an ML refresher course hosted by Coding Club, IIT Guwahati
1.Optimisation algorithms: Contains implementation of gradient descent and its varients like momentum, mini batch and adam on a dataset.
2.Neural networks with Tensorflow: Contains the basic know how needed to make functioning neural networks with tensorflow. 3.Keras Implementation: self explanatory ;)- Yolo Face Detection: This contains the code for the project designed as a part of the course so that students could become well aquianted with Convolutional networks and their newer varients. You can download the model weigths here if you want, though slightly big file.
You can visit the course page ML Pathfinder to expand your deep learning concepts and explore exciting topics such as Convoluted Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks etc.For more such excitng courses, tutorials and webinars visit the Coding Club IITG linkedIn page.