[EN] [application is in romanian]
An programming language designed specifically for image processing, all while being compacted in a beautiful UI.
ImageInterpreter is an interpreter that implements a specialized programming language in order to build image processing as easy as possible. The application was built for teaching purposes, to serve future students in the laboratory rooms for studying image processing. It allows, before processing the actual images, the writing of code in a way that is as simple and intelligible as possible. The application explains the concepts of interpretation and the basics of image processing by writing the given source code. This text describes the prequisites of the application, along with the instructions that power its operation (can be found below), and also some examples of applying image processes using the language in the ImageInterpreter application. The purpose of the ImageInterpreter application is didactic, namely to teach students how to apply image processing using a robust programming language.
PHP 5.5+
XAMPP - Apache(for local webserver) or hosted web-server is fine.
Please refer to Pages/help.html , which contains all the details of the language and the instructions .