This installer has built-in dns maker so no need to register a domain inorder to use this! less hassle 😍
(For collab just ping me up!)
The installer includes
- 👌 SSH = 22
- 👌 SSH + SLOWDNS = 2222
- 👌 SSH + SSL = 443
- 👌 DROPBEAR = 44
- 👌 DROPBEAR + SSL = 443
- 👌 SQUID PROXY = 8080, 8181
Supported Distro (Please use these distros)
- Ubuntu 18.4 Kvm
- Ubuntu 20.4 Kvm
- Debian 9 Kvm
- Debian 10 Kvm
Installation is very easy, login to your VPS and run the installer. The script will generate default ssh user and it will secure your server 💪 !
✨ RUN : wget; chmod +x sshdns; ./sshdns
💖 For suggestions and issues please open an issue on this repository and to help me improve this installer, Thank you! 💖