mesh-transformer-jax Public
Forked from kingoflolz/mesh-transformer-jaxModel parallel transformers in JAX and Haiku
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 14, 2022 -
Starling-FFParticleSystem Public
Forked from shin10/Starling-FFParticleSystemImproved particle system for the Starling framework
ActionScript UpdatedMay 2, 2014 -
qr-zbar-ane Public
Forked from saumitrabhave/qr-zbar-aneANE for QR Code Reader
C UpdatedFeb 19, 2014 -
kata-tcg Public
Code Kata for a two-player trading card game loosely based on Hearthstone - Heroes of Warcraft®
Starling-Filters Public
Forked from devon-o/Starling-FiltersA collection of filters for use with the Starling AS3 framework.
ActionScript UpdatedJan 12, 2014 -
IOSStatusBarAne Public
Forked from sharkhack/IOSStatusBarAneios status bar refresh native extension with ane file. ios7 status bar bug solution fixed. ios7 cameraroll as there after status bar not refresh bug solution fixed.
C UpdatedDec 29, 2013 -
cp3-eindopdracht-groep03 Public
Forked from izar89/cp3-eindopdracht-groep03Eindopdracht CPIII
ActionScript UpdatedDec 20, 2013 -
feathers-range-slider Public
Forked from Serhii-the-Dev/feathers-range-sliderRangeSlider component for Feathers framework
StarlingFontAwesome Public
Forked from badjem79/StarlingFontAwesomeA class to use the FontAwesome icons in Starling Framework
C# UpdatedOct 29, 2013 -
PullToRefresh Public
Forked from duckleg/PullToRefreshThis library aims to provide a reusable Pull to Refresh widget for Adobe AIR mobile. It was based on Starling Framework. The inherited component is allowed to display a “loading” busy indicator at …
Other UpdatedSep 18, 2013 -
MoPub-ANE Public
Forked from digicrafts/MoPub-ANEThis Mopub ANE add supprt to using MoPub Mobile monetization platform with Adobe Air. Supports Android and iOS.
Java UpdatedJul 4, 2013 -
EaselJS Public
Forked from CreateJS/EaselJSThe Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier. Join the google grou…
JavaScript UpdatedApr 22, 2013 -
My-Feathers-Tools Public
Forked from DamienDessagne/My-Feathers-ToolsMy set of custom classes that I use when working with Starling + Feathers on projects
ActionScript UpdatedMar 2, 2013 -
grapefrukt-export Public
Forked from grapefrukt/grapefrukt-exporta set of actionscript tools to export animations and graphic assets made in flash authoring to other formats.
ActionScript UpdatedFeb 27, 2013 -
starling-extensions Public
Forked from krechagames/starling-extensionsExtensions for the Starling Framework
ActionScript UpdatedJan 23, 2013 -
ane-photosalbum Public
Forked from katopz/ane-photosalbumANE for save image as JPEG or PNG to iOS CameraRoll
C UpdatedJan 14, 2013 -
feathers Public
Forked from feathersui/feathersui-starlingUser interface components for Starling Framework
ActionScript Other UpdatedDec 11, 2012 -
node Public
Forked from nodejs/node-v0.x-archiveevented I/O for v8 javascript
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 8, 2012 -
gauges Public
Forked from alatarus/gaugesGauge component for Flex 4
ActionScript UpdatedDec 5, 2012 -
Citrus-Engine-Examples Public
Forked from DaVikingCode/Citrus-Engine-ExamplesExamples for the Citrus Engine, AS3 Game Engine
ActionScript Other UpdatedNov 1, 2012 -
Starling-Framework Public
Forked from Gamua/Starling-FrameworkThe GPU powered 2D Flash API
ActionScript Other UpdatedOct 27, 2012 -
StarlingPunk Public
Forked from asaia/StarlingPunkStarlingPunk is a framework built on top the Starling library designed to add structure and organization to your 2D game projects. It’s perfect for rapidly prototyping ideas and promotes code reuse…
ActionScript MIT License UpdatedOct 23, 2012