The strong open source chess engine Stockfish compiled to JavaScript and WebAssembly using Emscripten
FIDE & Google Efficient Chess AI Challenge - Create agents to play chess with resource constraints
Open source neural network chess engine with GPU acceleration and broad hardware support.
Official implementation of “Code Recommendation for Open Source Software Developers" at The Web Conference 2023 (WWW 2023).
A Deep Learning UCI-Chess Variant Engine written in C++ & Python 🦜
An OpenAPI description for GitHub's REST API
Dataset of metadata on 3 million public Github repositories
Papers that use Lichess data, study Lichess, or cite Lichess
Grandmaster-Level Chess Without Search
A free and strong UCI chess engine
Port of Tom Kerrigan's Simple Chess Program (TSCP) to Rust
An ultrafast chess move generator. ~400Million nodes per second.
A C++ header-only library for efficient move generation in chess using "magic bitboards" technique
Sunfish: a Python Chess Engine in 111 lines of code
An aggregated data set of chess opening names
This repo is meant to serve as a guide for Machine Learning/AI technical interviews.
Stockfish NNUE (Chess evaluation) trainer in Pytorch
Repo containing scripts for videos featured on Adrian Dolinay's YouTube channel.
🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production
irwin - the protector of lichess from all chess players villainous