Same as the Course_Selling_App_1 project, but in this project I have used JWT for authentication.
I have introduced the sign-in endpoints for both users and admins.
For this one, in every authenticated requests, one needs to send the JWT in headers (Authorization : "Bearer {actual_token}").
I have used MongoDb to store all the data persistently.
POST /admin/signup
Description: Creates a new admin account
Input Body: { 'username': 'admin', password:' password' }
Output: { message: 'Admin created successfully' }
POST /admin/signin
Description: Logs in an admin account
Input Body: { 'username': 'admin', password:' password' }
Output: { token: 'your-token' }
POST /admin/courses
Description: Creates a new course
Input Body: Headers: { 'username': 'username', 'password': 'password' },
Body : { title: 'course title', description: 'course description', price: 100, imageLink: ',1000_QL80_.jpg' }
Output: { message:'Course created successfully', courseId: "new course id }
GET /admin/courses
Description: Returns all the courses
Input Body: Headers: { 'username':'username', 'password':'password' }
Output: { courses: [ { id: 1, title: 'course title', description: 'course description', price: 100, imageLink: ''}, published: true ...]}
POST /users/signup
Description: Creates a new user account.
Input: { username: 'user', password: 'password' }
Output: { message: 'User created successfully' }
POST /users/signin
Description: Logs in a user account.
Input: { username: 'user', password: 'password' }
Output: { token: 'your-token' }
GET /users/courses
Description: Lists all the courses.
Input: Headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' }
Output: { courses: [ { id: 1, title: 'course title', description: 'course description', price: 100, imageLink: '', published: true }, ... ] }
POST /users/courses/:courseId
Description: Purchases a course. courseId in the URL path should be replaced with the ID of the course to be purchased.
Input: Headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' }
Output: { message: 'Course purchased successfully' }
GET /users/purchasedCourses
Description: Lists all the courses purchased by the user.
Input: Headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' }
Output: { purchasedCourses: [ { id: 1, title: 'course title', description: 'course description', price: 100, imageLink: '', published: true } ... ] }
- Express JS
- Middleware in Node JS
- Defining routes
- Use of async and await keywords
- Exporting and importing modules in JS
- Promises in JS
- JSONWebTokens, and how to implement it
- MongoDB
- Postman