With the spirit of reproducible research, this repository contains all the codes required to produce the results in the manuscript:
Yijie Li, Hewei Wang, Shaofan Wang, and Soumyabrata Dev, UCloudNet: A Residual U-Net with Deep Supervision for Sky/Cloud Image Segmentation, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2024.
If you find UCloudNet useful in your research, please consider citing our paper.
title={{UCloudNet: A Residual U-Net with Deep Supervision for Cloud Image Segmentation}},
author={Li, Yijie and Wang, Hewei and Wang, Shaofan and Lee, Yee Hui and Pathan, Muhammad Salman and Dev, Soumyabrata},
booktitle={IGARSS 2024-2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium},
This code is only for academic and research purposes.
In recent years, there is a growing tendency among the research of ground-based cloud image segmentation in meteorology area. A great number of researches based on traditional computer vision methods are released, which only consider simple feature of images, for example, color features and gradient variation of image after gray-scale preprocessing. With the development of deep learning in computer vision area, the CNN-based approaches are more likely to gain better performance on cloud segmentation. However, recent-years research that involve CNNs show that training consumption can be a limitation which always need thousands epochs to converge. In this paper, we introduce a residual U-Net with deep supervision for cloud segmentation which is proved to have better performance than other CNN-based approaches with less training consumption.
: This folder contains UCloudNet model code../utils/
: This folder contains three assistant files (dataset, progressbar and metrics)./weights/
: This folder contains the weights after model training.notebook.ipynb
: This notebook comtains code block for evaluation.train.py
: Script for model training
We provide requirements.txt for all modules needed in training and testing, if
can't be installed successfully, please visit PaddlePaddle and follow the official instructions.conda create -n paddle python=3.9 conda activate paddle conda install --yes --file requirements.txt
Download SWINySEG dataset from SWINySEG, and place the uncompressed folder under
folder. Your./dataset
directory should follow the structure below, if the name of uncompressed folder is not SWINySEG, please rename it to SWINySEG.└─SWINySEG ├─GTmaps └─images
: This file is the camera ready version of the manuscript.
: This folder contains the full SWINySEG dataset.
UCloudNet Architecture.png
: It shows the architecture overview of proposed UCloudNet. Our UCloudNet is based on the U-Net structure which contains a series of decoders and encoders with channels concatenation in each stage. To compare with the original U-Net structure, we use a hyper-parameter$k$ to control the parameters amount and inspired by K. He et al., we add residual connection in each convolution block in encoder which is helpful for training the deeper layers. As for the training strategy, we use deep supervision to support the training process.
python train.py -h usage: train.py [-h] [--model_tag MODEL_TAG] [--k K] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR] [--lr_decay LR_DECAY] [--aux AUX] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--dataset_split DATASET_SPLIT] [--dataset_path DATASET_PATH] [--eval_interval EVAL_INTERVAL] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --model_tag MODEL_TAG the tag of model (default: ucloudnet_k_2_aux_lr_decay) --k K the k value of model (default: 2) --batch_size BATCH_SIZE batchsize for model training (default: 16) --lr LR the learning rate for training (default: 1e-3) --lr_decay LR_DECAY enable learning rate decay when training, [1, 0] (default: 1) --aux AUX enable deep supervision when training, [1, 0] (default: 1) --epochs EPOCHS number of training epochs (default: 100) --dataset_split DATASET_SPLIT split of SWINySEG dataset, ['all', 'd', 'n'] (default: all) --dataset_path DATASET_PATH path of training dataset (default: ./dataset/SWINySEG) --eval_interval EVAL_INTERVAL interval of model evaluation during training (default: 5)
# train UCloudNet(k=2)+aux+lr_decay on full SWINySEG python train.py # train UCloudNet(k=4)+aux+lr_decay on full SWINySEG python train.py --k=4 --model_tag=ucloudnet_k_4_aux_lr_decay # train UCloudNet(k=4)+lr_decay on full SWINySEG python train.py --k=4 --aux=0 --model_tag=ucloudnet_k_4_lr_decay # train UCloudNet(k=4) on full SWINySEG python train.py --k=4 --aux=0 --lr_decay=0 --model_tag=ucloudnet_k_4 # train UCloudNet(k=2)+aux+lr_decay on SWINySEG day-time python train.py --k=2 --model_tag=ucloudnet_k_2_aux_lr_decay_d --dataset_split=d # train UCloudNet(k=2)+aux+lr_decay on SWINySEG night-time python train.py --k=2 --model_tag=ucloudnet_k_2_aux_lr_decay_n --dataset_split=n # train UCloudNet(k=4)+aux+lr_decay on SWINySEG day-time python train.py --k=4 --model_tag=ucloudnet_k_4_aux_lr_decay_d --dataset_split=d # train UCloudNet(k=4)+aux+lr_decay on SWINySEG night-time python train.py --k=4 --model_tag=ucloudnet_k_4_aux_lr_decay_n --dataset_split=n
# follow instructions in notebook.ipynb
Results of cloud segmentation.png
: This figure shows the results of cloud segmentation for day-time (1-6 columns) and night-time (7-12 columns).
PR curve of UCloudNet.png
: This figure shows the PR curve of our proposed model with different training configuration on full SWINySEG ground-based cloud seg-mentation data set.
Loss curve of the final output and auxiliary outputs.png
: This figure shows the training status of our proposed model qualitatively by observe curves of final loss together with auxiliary loss branches