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UVStyle-Net: Unsupervised Few-shot Learning of 3D Style Similarity Measure for B-Reps, ICCV 2021


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UVStyle-Net: Unsupervised Few-shot Learning of 3D Style Similarity Measure for B-Reps

This repository contains the authors' implementation of UVStyle-Net: Unsupervised Few-shot Learning of 3D Style Similarity Measure for B-Reps.


  1. About UVStyle-Net
  2. Citing this Work
  3. Quickstart
    1. Environment Setup
    2. Download the Data & Pre-trained Model
    3. Explore our Interactive Dashboards
  4. Full Datasets
  5. Other Experiments
    1. Linear Probes
    2. Precision@10 for Few-shot Learning
    3. Classification on ABC Subsets
    4. Ablation
  6. Using Your Own Data
    1. Feature Pipeline for B-Rep to DGL
    2. Training the Model
    3. Compute the Gram Matrices
  7. License

About UVStyle-Net

Overview of UVStyle-Net

UVStyle-Net is an unsupervised style similarity learning method for Boundary Representations (B-Reps)/CAD models, which can be tailored to an end-user's interpretation of style by supplying only a few examples.

The way it works can be summarized as follows:

  1. Train the B-Rep encoder (we use UV-Net without edge features) using content classification (supervised), or point cloud reconstruction (unsupervised)
  2. Extract the Gram matrices of the activations in each layer of the encoder
  3. Define the style distance for two solids as a weighted sum of distances (Euclidean, cosine, etc.) between each layer's Gram matrix using uniform weights
  4. OPTIONAL: Determine the best weights for the style distance according to a few user selected examples that share a common style

For a 5 minute overview, take a look at our ICCV presentation video/poster below, or for full details, see the paper.

UVStyle-Net ICCV Poster.pdf

Screenshot 2021-11-01 at 11 08 30

Citing this Work

If you use any of the code or techniques from the paper, please cite the following:

Meltzer, Peter, Hooman Shayani, Amir Khasahmadi, Pradeep Kumar Jayaraman, Aditya Sanghi, and Joseph Lambourne. ‘UVStyle-Net: Unsupervised Few-Shot Learning of 3D Style Similarity Measure for B-Reps’. In IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.

	title = {{UVStyle}-{Net}: {Unsupervised} {Few}-shot {Learning} of {3D} {Style} {Similarity} {Measure} for {B}-{Reps}},
	shorttitle = {{UVStyle}-{Net}},
	url = {},
	booktitle = {{IEEE}/{CVF} {International} {Conference} on {Computer} {Vision} ({ICCV})},
	author = {Meltzer, Peter and Shayani, Hooman and Khasahmadi, Amir and Jayaraman, Pradeep Kumar and Sanghi, Aditya and Lambourne, Joseph},
	year = {2021},
	note = {arXiv: 2105.02961},
	keywords = {Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 68T07, 68T10, Computer Science - Machine Learning, I.3.5, I.5.1},


Environment Setup

We recommend using a virtual environment such as conda:

$ conda create --name uvstylenet python=3.7
WINDOWS:       $ activate uvstylenet
LINUX, macOS:  $ source activate uvstylenet
  • swap dgl in requirmenets.txt:3 for the correct cuda version for your system. i.e. cdl-cu102, dgl-cu100, etc. (for cpu only use dgl)
  • for gpu use you may need to install cudatoolkit/set environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH if you have not done so already

Install the remaining requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To use the download script requires a 7z extractor to be installed:

# Linux
$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full

# MacOS
$ brew install p7zip

or for windows, visit:

Download the Data & Pre-trained Models

To get started quickly and interact with the models, we recommend downloading only the pre-computed Gram matrices for the SolidLETTERS test set along with the pre-trained SolidLETTERS model, the test set dgl binary files, and the test set meshes (to assist visualization). You will need a little bit over 7GB of space for all this data. All of these necessary files can be downloaded into the correct directory structure with:

$ python quickstart

Explore our Interactive Dashboards

All dashboards use streamlit and can be run from the project root.


Experiment with manually adjusting the layer weights used to compute the style loss, and observe their effect on the nearest neighbours. Available for SolidLETTERS and ABC datasets.

$ streamlit run dashboards/

Top-k Dashboard

Visualize Style Loss Gradients

Visualize the xyz position gradients of the style loss between a pair of solids. Black lines indicate the direction and magnitude of the gradient of the loss with respect to each of the individual sampled points (i.e. which direction to move each sampled point to better match the style between the solids). Available for SolidLETTERS.

$ streamlit run dashboards/

Gradients Visualization

Optimize Layer Weights

Experiment with different positive and negative examples for few-shot optimization of the user defined style loss. Select negatives manually, or use randomly drawn examples from the remaining dataset. Available for SolidLETTERS and ABC datasets.

streamlit run dashboards/

Few-shot Optimization

Full Datasets

To download the full datasets in all formats you will need approximately 111 GB (+ approx. 10 GB for temporary files during extraction). A breakdown is given below:

  • SolidLETTERS (46 GB for complete set)
    • grams: 7.5 GB
    • dgl binary files: 7.7 GB
    • mesh: 9.9 GB
    • point clouds: 3.3 GB
    • smt: 18 GB
    • pngs: 84 MB
  • ABC (65 GB for complete set)
    • grams: 12.6 GB (uv-net: 8 GB, psnet: 4.6 GB)
    • dgl binary files: 20 GB
    • mesh: 13 GB
    • point clouds: 2.3 GB
    • smt: 18 GB
    • pngs: 513 MB
    • subset labels: 16 MB

All data/parts you require may be downloaded using the following script:

$ python

usage: [-h] [--all] [--grams] [--dgl] [--mesh] [--pc] [--smt]
                        [--pngs] [--labels]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

solid_letters, abc:

abc only:

To only download files necessary for the quickstart above use command quickstart. For the pre-trained models use command models. To download SolidLETTERS or ABC datasets, use command solid_letters or abc accordingly, followed by the arguments indicating the format(s).


# Pre-trained models
$ python models

# Complete SolidLETTERS dataset in all formats
$ python solid_letters --all

# ABC mesh and point clouds only
$ python abc --mesh --pc

Other Experiments

Linear Probes

Ensure you have the Gram matrices for SolidLETTERS subset in PROJECT_ROOT/data/SolidLETTERS/grams/subset.

$ python experiments/
layer linear_probe linear_probe_err
0 0_feats 0.992593 0.0148148
1 1_conv1 1 0
2 2_conv2 1 0
3 3_conv3 1 0
4 4_fc 0.977778 0.0181444
5 5_GIN_1 0.940741 0.0181444
6 6_GIN_2 0.874074 0.0296296
7 content 0.755556 0.0377705

Precision@10 for Few-shot Learning

Ensure you have the Gram matrices for the complete SolidLETTERS test set in PROJECT_ROOT/data/SolidLETTERS/grams/all.

First perform the optimizations and hits@10 scoring (if you run into memory problems please reduce --num_threads):

$ python experiments/

usage: [-h] [--exp_name EXP_NAME]
                                  [--num_threads NUM_THREADS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --exp_name EXP_NAME   experiment name - results for each font/trial will be
                        saved into this directory (default: SolidLETTERS-all)
  --num_threads NUM_THREADS
                        number of concurrent threads (default: 6)

Next collate all results and produce the heatmaps (figures will be saved to the experiments directory):

$ python experiments/

usage: [-h] [--exp_name EXP_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --exp_name EXP_NAME  experiment name - font scores will be read fromthis
                       directory (default: SolidLETTERS-all)

Hits@10 Scores

Classification on ABC Subsets

Ensure you have the UVStyle-Net Gram matrices for the complete ABC dataset in PROJECT_ROOT/data/ABC/grams/all as well as the PSNet* Gram matrices in PROJECT_ROOT/psnet_data/ABC/grams/all. Finally, you will need the labeled subset pngs in PROJECT_ROOT/data/ABC/labeled_pngs.

First perform the logistic regression and log the results for each trial (if you run into memory problems please reduce --num_threads):

$ python experiments/

usage: [-h] [--num_threads NUM_THREADS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --num_threads NUM_THREADS
                        number of concurrent threads (default: 5)

Next collate all results and produce the comparison table:

$ python experiments/
cats UVStyle-Net PSNet* diff
2 flat v electric 0.789 ± 0.034 0.746 ± 0.038 0.0428086
0 free_form v tubular 0.839 ± 0.011 0.808 ± 0.023 0.0308303
1 angular v rounded 0.805 ± 0.010 0.777 ± 0.020 0.0279178


Normalization Comparison & Content Embedding

Ensure you have all versions of Gram matrices for the complete SolidLETTERS test set (all_raw, all_inorm_only, all_fnorm_only, all) - see above. Then run the logistic regression probes on each version of the gram and log the results:

python experiments/

Next collate all results and produce the comparison chart (plot saved to the experiments directory):

python experiments/

Normalization Comparison

Dimension Reduction Probes

First run the PCA/probes for each dimension:

$ python experiments/

Next process the results and create the plot (figure will be saved to the experiments directory):

$ python experiments/

usage: [-h] [--include_content]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --include_content  include content embeddings in plot (default: False)

Dimension Reduction

Using Your Own Data

Feature Pipeline for B-Rep to DGL

Coming soon.

Training the Model


$ python -h

usage: [-h] [--dataset_path DATASET_PATH]
                           [--device DEVICE] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                           [--seed SEED] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--lr LR]
                           [--optimizer {SGD,Adam}] [--use-timestamp]
                           [--times TIMES] [--suffix SUFFIX]
                           [--nurbs_model_type {cnn,wcnn}]
                           [--nurbs_emb_dim NURBS_EMB_DIM]
                           [--mask_mode {channel,multiply}]
                           [--input_channels {xyz_only,xyz_normals}]
                           [--brep_model_type BREP_MODEL_TYPE]
                           [--graph_emb_dim GRAPH_EMB_DIM]
                           [--classifier_type {linear,non_linear}]
                           [--final_dropout FINAL_DROPOUT]
                           [--size_percentage SIZE_PERCENTAGE]
                           [--apply_square_symmetry APPLY_SQUARE_SYMMETRY]
                           [--split_suffix SPLIT_SUFFIX]

UV-Net Classifier Training Script for Solids

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset_path DATASET_PATH
                        Path to the dataset root directory
  --device DEVICE       which gpu device to use (default: 0)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size for training and validation (default: 128)
  --seed SEED           random seed (default: 0)
  --epochs EPOCHS       number of epochs to train (default: 350)
  --lr LR               learning rate (default: 0.01)
  --optimizer {SGD,Adam}
  --use-timestamp       Whether to use timestamp in dump files
  --times TIMES         Number of times to run the experiment
  --suffix SUFFIX       Suffix for the experiment name
  --nurbs_model_type {cnn,wcnn}
                        Feature extractor for NURBS surfaces
  --nurbs_emb_dim NURBS_EMB_DIM
                        Embedding dimension for NURBS feature extractor
                        (default: 64)
  --mask_mode {channel,multiply}
                        Whether to consider trimming mask as channel or
                        multiply it with computed features
  --area_as_channel     Whether to use area as a channel in the input
  --input_channels {xyz_only,xyz_normals}
  --brep_model_type BREP_MODEL_TYPE
                        Feature extractor for B-rep face-adj graph
  --graph_emb_dim GRAPH_EMB_DIM
                        Embeddings before graph pooling
  --classifier_type {linear,non_linear}
                        Classifier model
  --final_dropout FINAL_DROPOUT
                        final layer dropout (default: 0.3)
  --size_percentage SIZE_PERCENTAGE
                        Percentage of data to use
  --apply_square_symmetry APPLY_SQUARE_SYMMETRY
                        Probability of applying square symmetry transformation
                        to uv domain
  --split_suffix SPLIT_SUFFIX
                        Suffix for dataset split folders


$ python train                                                                                               for_public ⬆ ✱ ◼

usage: Pointcloud reconstruction experiments [-h]
                                             [--dataset_path DATASET_PATH]
                                             [--device DEVICE]
                                             [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                                             [--epochs EPOCHS]
                                             [--suffix SUFFIX]
                                             [--encoder {pointnet,uvnetsolid}]
                                             [--decoder {pointmlp}]
                                             [--dataset {solidmnist,abc}]
                                             [--num_points NUM_POINTS]
                                             [--latent_dim LATENT_DIM]
                                             [--npy_dataset_path NPY_DATASET_PATH]
                                             [--split_suffix SPLIT_SUFFIX]
                                             [--uvnet_sqsym UVNET_SQSYM]
                                             [--state STATE] [--no-cuda]
                                             [--seed SEED]
                                             [--grams_path GRAMS_PATH]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --dataset_path DATASET_PATH
                        Path to the dataset root directory
  --device DEVICE       Which gpu device to use (default: 0)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size for training and validation (default: 128)
  --epochs EPOCHS       number of epochs to train (default: 350)
  --use-timestamp       Whether to use timestamp in dump files
  --suffix SUFFIX       Suffix for the experiment name
  --encoder {pointnet,uvnetsolid}
                        Encoder to use
  --decoder {pointmlp}  Pointcloud decoder to use
  --dataset {solidmnist,abc}
                        Dataset to train on
  --num_points NUM_POINTS
                        Number of points to decode
  --latent_dim LATENT_DIM
                        Dimension of latent space
  --use_tanh            Whether to use tanh in final layer of decoder
  --npy_dataset_path NPY_DATASET_PATH
                        Path to pointcloud dataset when encoder takes in
  --split_suffix SPLIT_SUFFIX
                        Suffix for dataset split folders
  --uvnet_sqsym UVNET_SQSYM
                        Probability of applying square symmetry transformation
                        to uv domain

Compute the Gram Matrices


Gram matrices will be saved into directory given as --grams_path:

$ python

usage: [-h] [--state STATE] [--no-cuda] [--subset]
                          [--apply_square_symmetry APPLY_SQUARE_SYMMETRY]

UV-Net Classifier Testing Script for Solids

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --state STATE         PyTorch checkpoint file of trained network.
  --no-cuda             Run on CPU
  --subset              Compute subset only (default: false)
  --grams_path GRAMS_PATH
                        path to save Gram matrices to
  --apply_square_symmetry APPLY_SQUARE_SYMMETRY
                        Probability of applying square symmetry transformation
                        to uv-domain


Gram matrices will be saved to directory given as --grams_path:

$ python test

  usage: Pointcloud reconstruction experiments [-h]
                                               [--dataset_path DATASET_PATH]
                                               [--device DEVICE]
                                               [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                                               [--epochs EPOCHS]
                                               [--suffix SUFFIX]
                                               [--encoder {pointnet,uvnetsolid}]
                                               [--decoder {pointmlp}]
                                               [--dataset {solidmnist,abc}]
                                               [--num_points NUM_POINTS]
                                               [--latent_dim LATENT_DIM]
                                               [--npy_dataset_path NPY_DATASET_PATH]
                                               [--split_suffix SPLIT_SUFFIX]
                                               [--uvnet_sqsym UVNET_SQSYM]
                                               [--state STATE] [--no-cuda]
                                               [--seed SEED]
                                               [--grams_path GRAMS_PATH]
  positional arguments:
  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --dataset_path DATASET_PATH
                          Path to the dataset root directory
    --device DEVICE       Which gpu device to use (default: 0)
    --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                          batch size for training and validation (default: 128)
    --epochs EPOCHS       number of epochs to train (default: 350)
    --use-timestamp       Whether to use timestamp in dump files
    --suffix SUFFIX       Suffix for the experiment name
    --encoder {pointnet,uvnetsolid}
                          Encoder to use
    --decoder {pointmlp}  Pointcloud decoder to use
    --dataset {solidmnist,abc}
                          Dataset to train on
    --num_points NUM_POINTS
                          Number of points to decode
    --latent_dim LATENT_DIM
                          Dimension of latent space
    --use_tanh            Whether to use tanh in final layer of decoder
    --npy_dataset_path NPY_DATASET_PATH
                          Path to pointcloud dataset when encoder takes in
    --split_suffix SPLIT_SUFFIX
                          Suffix for dataset split folders
    --uvnet_sqsym UVNET_SQSYM
                          Probability of applying square symmetry transformation
                          to uv domain
    --state STATE         PyTorch checkpoint file of trained network.
    --no-cuda             Run on CPU
    --seed SEED           Seed
    --grams_path GRAMS_PATH
                          directory to save Gram matrices to (default:


Shield: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



UVStyle-Net: Unsupervised Few-shot Learning of 3D Style Similarity Measure for B-Reps, ICCV 2021




