This project is a news desk website that sorts current news articles for users by headline tags and sources. The main goal of this project was to further familiarize myself with many of the Web Application Frameworks used today in professional software development. It was planned, designed, developed, and tested over the course of a week.
Live page updates: Uses Vue.js and fetch API to send data updates to and receive updates from the backend without reloading the page.
User creation and Authentication: Website supports creation of and login of users. User preferences are automatically saved to their profiles in the database.
Web Scraping Module: Modular web scraping app that allows for easy content expansion through the website's admin portal.
Django: for backend data management. Utilized the object-relational mapping layer to interact with the database.
Vue.js: for front end reactivity. Used along with fetch API to make live updates to both the back and frontend based off user input.
Sqlite3: for database.