Convert CRAFT-pytorch text detection model to onnx
Run craft_to_onnx to convert CRAFT .pth model to .onnx
Input shape need to be fixed, set the shape according to your project
Convert CTPN text detection model to onnx
Run craft_to_onnx to convert CTPN .pth model to .onnx
Input shape need to be fixed, set the shape according to your project
Run export_yolo_to_onnx to convert YOLO .pt model to .onnx with NMS function
Input shape is dynamic after convert
Output contain of 3 layer, image_out, scaled_box_out_next, scaled_box_out_debug
image_out is image with drew bounding boxes
scaled_box_out_next and scaled_box_out_debug is the bounding boxes output with [x, y, w, h, conf, class]