This package provides functions to get your Fibit intraday activity data to R in a tidy form. It uses the Fitbit API to access the data. The maximal time resolution for the heart rate data is 1 second and 1 minute for other features (as a comparison, intraday time resolution of the fitbitScraper package is 15 minutes).
Available intraday features:
- calories
- steps
- distance
- floors
- elevation
- hear rate
1. Create a developer account at the fitbit developer page
2. Login to and register your application (click 'REGISTER AN APP'):
- Application Name: 'GetMyData' (free choice)
- Description: 'This is an app used by the fitbitr package.' (free choice)
- Application website: '' (free choice)
- Organization: 'GetMyData' (free choice)
- Organization Website: '' (free choice)
- OAuth 2.0 Application Type: 'Personal'
- Callback URL: 'http://localhost:1410/' (note the slash at the end, related to #2)
- Default Access Type: 'Read-only'
It is important to use the last three points as listed above.
3. Copy the credentials (Application Name, Client ID and Client Secret) into the file ~/.fitbitr
each to its own row:
<Application Name>
<OAuth 2.0 Client ID>
<Client Secret>
Example ~/.fitbitr
4. Make ~/.fitbitr
readable only by you:
chmod 600 ~/.fitbitr
5. Install the fitbitr
package and create the access token in R:
## install_github("avsecz/fitbitr")
token <- get_fitbit_token()
You can answer with '2' to the question: Use a local file to cache OAuth access credentials between R sessions?
Allow the application (GetMyData) to access your fitbit data in the browser. Make sure all the checkboxes are ticked to have full access. Login if neccessary.
You should see 'Authentication complete. Please close this page and return to R.'. Congrats!
You can now query your own data. The main function is get_activity
. Example:
dt <- get_activity(from_date = "2016-04-13", token = token)
Requests left:
132 / 150 (reset in 11 min, at 00:00:01)
Check the documentation of get_activity
for more information.
Use function rate_limit
Requests left:
132 / 150 (reset in 11 min, at 00:00:01)
Token expires at some point. To refresh it, use fitbit_refresh_token
token <- fitbit_refresh_token(token)
Get familiar with the documentation at Use fitbit_GET
and fitbit_parse
to make API requests. Example (accessing sleep data):
req <- fitbit_GET("1/user/-/sleep/date/2015-12-12.json", token = fitbit_token )
output <- fitbit_parse(req)
Please make a pull request if you wrote a cool new query function.
1. In case you get the following errors:
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) (from api_best_practice.R!12568FoJ#2) :
Timeout was reached
Error in refresh_oauth2.0(self$endpoint, self$app, self$credentials, self$params$user_params) (from basic_api_functions.R#10) :
Unauthorized (HTTP 401).
Refresh your token using fitbit_refresh_token
fitbit_token <- fitbit_refresh_token(fitbit_token)
2. Token refresh doesn't solve the issue
Reset your credentials on the fitbit developer page: Click 'Reset consumer Key/Secret' and overwrite the new Client (consumer) secret in your credentials file: ~/.fitbitr