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Fork of Awesome LabelPlus VB6 UserControl from Leandro Ascierto

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axLabelPlus v1.6.14

Fork of Awesome LabelPlus VB6 UserControl from Leandro Ascierto


⭐: additions versus original LabelPlus​

Properties Value Description
AutoSize Boolean allows the control to manage its measurements according to the content string
BackAcrylicBlur Boolean gives the control a transparent blurred glass effect
BackColor OLE_Color control background color
BackColorOpacity Integer control background color opacity
⭐ BackColorPress OLE_Color control background color on click
⭐ BackColorPressOpacity Integer control background color opacity on click
Border Boolean control border
BorderColor OLE_Color control border color
BorderColorOpacity Integer control border color opacity
BorderCornerBottomLeft Integer radius for bottom-left round corner
BorderCornerBottomRight Integer radius for bottom-right round corner
BorderCornerLeftTop Integer radius for top-left round corner
BorderCornerRightTop Integer radius for top-right round corner
BorderPosition Constant indicates if edge line is drawn inside, outside or center of the border
BorderWidth Integer width of the edge line
CallOut Boolean enable the callout triangle (to simulate a bubble text or Tooltip text)
CallOutAlign Constant position of the callout triangle on the corner especified
CallOutCustomPosition Integer value to positioning callout triangle when "coCustomPosition" is indicated
CallOutLen Integer length of the callout triangle
CallOutPosicion Constant position of the callout triangle on the side especified
CallOutRightTriangle Boolean indicate if the callout is a rect-triangle or not
CallOutWidth Integer width of the callout triangle border line
Caption1 String text string of the first caption
Caption1Font StdFont font settings to the first caption
Caption1Forecolor OLE_color font color to the first caption
Caption1ForeColorOpacity Integer font color opacity to the first caption
Caption1PaddingX Integer horizontal scrolling of the first caption
Caption1PaddingY Integer vertical scrolling of the first caption
Caption1WordWrap Boolean enables wordwrap to first caption if text string is too long
⭐ Caption2 String text string of the second caption
⭐ Caption2Font StdFont font settings to the second caption
⭐ Caption2Forecolor OLE_color font color to the second caption
⭐ Caption2ForeColorOpacity Integer font color opacity to the second caption
⭐ Caption2PaddingX Integer horizontal scrolling of the second caption
⭐ Caption2PaddingY Integer vertical scrolling of the second caption
⭐ Caption2WordWrap Boolean enables wordwrap to second caption if text string is too long
CaptionAlignmentH Constant horizontal alignment of the both captions (it does not superseed the assigned PaddingX values, so it checks its values to align properly)
CaptionAlignmentV Constant vertical alignment of the both captions (it does not superseed the assigned PaddingY values, so it checks its values to align properly)
CaptionAngle Integer inclination angle for the captions
CaptionBorderColor OLE_Color border color of text string in captions
CaptionBorderWidth Integer border width of text string in captions
CaptionShadow Boolean shadow of text strings in captions
CaptionShowPrefix Boolean indicate how process the ampersand (&) character when it is indicated in captions (ej: &Function... show Function..)
CaptionTriming Constant indicates how to process long text strings in captions
⭐ ChangeColorOnClick Boolean enable change of color of the control when click on it (BackColorPress, GradientColorP1, GradientColorP2)
⭐ ChangeOnMouseOver Constant indicate styles of color change when mouse passed on control
⭐ ColorOnMouseOver OLE_Color indicate color to change if ChangeOnMouseOver is setted
⭐ColorOpacityOnMouseOver Integer color opacity to ColorOnMouseOver
⭐ ​CrossPosition Constant indicate the position to place Cross to "close" the control
⭐ CrossVisible Boolean enable the cross "to close" (hide) the control (it change the state of VISIBLE property)
⭐ ForeColorOnPress OLE_Color color of the font (in both captions) when control is clicked and ChangeColorOnClick is setted to eChangeCaption1, eChangeCaption2, eChangeCaptions, eChangeCaptionIcon, eChangeCaptionBorder or eChangeCaptionHotLine
⭐ForeColorOnPressOpacity Integer color opacity to ForeColorOnPress
⭐ GlowColor OLE_Color color border for Glowing effect
⭐ Glowing Boolean enable/start Glowing effect
⭐ GlowSpeed Integer speed of the pulse in glowing effect
⭐ GlowTiks Integer indicates how many pulses to perform before stopping the effect
Gradient Boolean enable gradient of two colors on the control backgound
GradientAngle Integer inclination angle of the gradient
GradientColor1 OLE_Color first color of the gradient
GradientColor1Opacity Integer opacity of the first color
GradientColor2 OLE_Color last color of the gradient
GradientColor2Opacity Integer opacity of the last color
⭐ GradientColorP1 OLE_Color first color of the gradient when control is clicked
⭐ GradientColorP1Opacity Integer opacity of the first color of the gradient when control is clicked
⭐ GradientColorP2 OLE_Color last color of the gradient when control is clicked
⭐ ​GradientColorP2Opacity Integer opacity of the last color of the gradient when control is clicked
HotLine Boolean enable a color bar on one side of the control
HotLineColor OLE_Color color of the HotLine bar
HotLineColorOpacity Integer color opacity of the HotLine bar
HotLinePosition Constant position of the HotLine color bar
HotLineWidth Integer width of the color bar
IconAlignmentH Constant indicate the horizontal alignment for iconchar
IconAlignmentV Constant indicate the vertical alignment for iconchar
IconCharCode Long the icon char code that we want to show (according to the icon font to use)
IconFont StdFont set the icon font (recomended IcoFont.ttf)
IconForeColor OLE_Color set color of the icon char
IconOpacity Integer set the opacity color value of the icon char
IconPaddingX Integer horizontal scrolling of the icon char
IconPaddingY Integer vertical scrolling of the icon char
Image IPicture get the picture contained in the control
IsMouseEnter Boolean return TRUE when the mouse enter to the control area, return FALSE on exit
IsMouseOver Boolean return TRUE if mouse is over control area, return FALSE if not
⭐ OptionBehavior Boolean allows the control to function as an OptionButton, returning TRUE when clicked and passing the other controls that have OptionBehavior enabled to FALSE
PictureAlignmentH Constant indicate the horizontal alignment of the picture
PictureAlignmentV Constant indicate the vertical alignment of the picture
PictureAngle Integer set the inclination angle of the picture
PictureBrightness Integer set the brightness of the picture
PictureColor OLE_Color set a single color to the picture when PictureColorize is enabled
PictureColorize Boolean enable the effect of putting the image in one color
PictureContrast Integer set the contrast of the picture
PictureExist Boolean return TRUE if exist a picture in the control
⭐ PictureEffectMouseOver Constant indicates what effect to apply on the image when hovering the mouse over the control
PictureGetHeight Long return the height of the picture setted in the control
PictureGetWidth Long return the width of the picture setted in the control
PictureGrayScale Boolean enable the effect of grayscaling the picture
PictureOpacity Integer set the opacity of the picture
PicturePaddingX Integer horizontal scrolling of the picture
PicturePaddingY Integer vertical scrolling of the picture
PictureSetHeight Long set/override the height of the picture
PictureSetWidth Long set/override the width of the picture
PictureShadow Boolean enable the picture shadow
Shadow Boolean enable control shadow
ShadowColor OLE_Color set the color of the control shadow
ShadowColorOpacity Integer set the color opacity value
ShadowOffsetX Integer set the X offset value of the shadow
ShadowOffsetY Integer set the Y offset value of the shadow
ShadowSize Integer set the width of the shadow of the control
⭐Value Boolean set/return a boolean value when OptionBehavior is enabled
⭐Version String return the version number of the control


⭐: additions versus original LabelPlus

Events Description
Click() raised by clicking on the control
DblClick() raised by double clicking on the control
⭐Change() raised when captions are modified
⭐ChangeValue(Value As Boolean) raised when OptionBehavior is enabled and return Value property value. (True or False)
⭐CrossClick() raised when CrossVisible is enabled and cross is clicked
MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) raised when a mouse button is held down over the control, and return mouse button pressed, special key pressed and coordinates X and Y
MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) raised when a mouse button is held down while moving it over the control, and return mouse button pressed, special key pressed and coordinates X and Y
MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) raised when the mouse button pressed over the control is released, and return mouse button pressed, special key pressed and coordinates X and Y
MouseEnter() raised when the mouse pointer enters the control area
MouseLeave() raised when the mouse pointer left the control area
MouseOver() rises when the mouse pointer hovers over the control area
PrePaint(hdc As Long, X As Long, Y As Long) this event is fired before the paint of the control on the form/container
PostPaint(ByVal hdc As Long) this event is fired after the paint of the control on the form/container, especially useful for painting aditional elements on the control with the Drawtext, DrawLine and Polygon functions
PictureDownloadProgress(BytesMax As Long, BytesLeidos As Long) this event is raised while image loading (loaded with functions PictureFromStream or PictureFromStream*) is performed in the control*
PictureDownloadComplete() raised when the image loading is completed
PictureDownloadError() raised if the image loading get an error


⭐: additions versus original LabelPlus

Functions Description
DrawLine(hdc, X, Y1, X2, Y2, [oColor], [Opacity], [PenWidth]) allows to draw a line over the control
DrawText(hdc, Text, X, Y, Width, Height, Font, ForeColor, [ColorOpacity], [HorizontalAlign], [VerticalAlign], [WordWrap]) allows to draw text over the control
⭐IsMouseInExtender this function returns TRUE or FALSE whether the mouse pointer is in the control or not. use this instead of MouseEnter, MouseOver or MouseLeave when you can't or don't want to depend on those events
⭐LoadImagefromPath(path_to_file) Load an image on the control from path string
PictureDelete delete the image from the control
PictureFromStream(array_of_bytes) load an image on the conrol from an array of bytes (internally the control uses this function to load an image from the properties page)
PictureFromURL(sUrl, [UseCache], [DrawProgress]) Load an image on the control from url
Polygon(hDc, PenWidth, Color, Opacity, ParamArray vPoints()) allows you to draw polygons on the control
Refresh Refresh the drawing of the control

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


GDI Plus, use from Win7 ahead...


Copy Files to your Project folder, include/reference to this and set this usercontrol to Private

axLabelPlus.ctl    <UserControl>
axLabelPlus.ctx    <resources of Usercontrol>
axLabelPlus.pag    <Property Page of Usercontrol>
axLabelPlus.pgx    <resources of Property Page>

Or Compile the usercontrol to OCX (ActiveX), and reference to your VB6 Project



Built With

  • Clasic and Beloved Visual Basic 6 - ServicePack 6 (Visual Basic is trademark of micrologo)


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is free to use, modify and sharing... only mention the authors in the credits 😄


Fork of Awesome LabelPlus VB6 UserControl from Leandro Ascierto






No packages published
