A code starter for creating Python (Data Science) projects.
- Python 3.8+ 🐍
- poetry 🖊️ (installation guide)
- Follow this link to create a repository using this template, without the need to clone it.
- Or use the button located in the repository homepage.
- Run the following command to install dependencies (including dev dependencies):
poetry install
- Run the following command to get available commands (see
for more information):
poe -h
- Available commands:
Command | Description |
format | Format the code using black |
bandit | Check for security issues using bandit |
flake8 | Lint the code base using flake8 |
pylint | Lint the code base using pylint |
test | Run unit tests with coverage using pytest and pytest-cov |
pre-commit | Run pre-commit hooks before staging |
autoflake | Remove unused imports using autoflake |
all | Run all tasks |
For example to run all the poe tasks, run:
poe all
- Run the following command to install dependencies (except for dev dependencies):
poetry install --no-dev
├── data
│ ├── final # data after training the model
│ ├── processed # data after processing
│ └── raw # raw data
├── docs # documentation for your project
├── .flake8 # configuration for flake8 - a Python linting tool
├── .gitignore # ignore files that cannot be commited to Git
├── Makefile # store useful commands to set up the environment
├── models # store models
├── notebooks # store notebooks
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml # configurations for pre-commit
├── pyproject.toml # dependencies for poetry
├── README.md # describe your project
├── src # main code base module
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── main.py # main script
└── tests # test module
├── __init__.py
└── test_blueprint.py
- Docker
- Hydra
- Cookiecutter
- Fork it 🍴
- Change it 🔧
- Create a Pull Request 🔃