CSSPy is a Python library. This library aims to provide an implementation of state of the art algorithms for Column Subset Selection algorithms for low rank approximations.
This library cover the following algorithms:
Volume Sampling,
Deshpande, A. and Rademacher, L.: "Efficient volume sampling for row/column subset selection", 2010;
Double Phase,
Boutsidis, C. and Mahoney, M. W. and Drineas, P.: "An Improved Approximation Algorithm for the Column Subset Selection Problem ", 2010;
Deterministic Selection,
Papailiopoulos, D. and Kyrillidis, A. and Boutsidis, C.: "Provable Deterministic Leverage Score Sampling", 2014;
CSSPy works with Python 3.4+
Install the package using the instructions
cd CSSPy
pip install .