Tips and tricks of Git
git config --global crendential.helper manager
-> to use windows credential manager to store login details
git config --local "[email protected]" --> .git/config Everything is an object in git .git/objects -> dir will be created with first two chars of commit hash as folder and inside it a file with remaining char as file name git branch && git checkout --> git checkout -b
.git/refs/heads -> contain local branch files -> each branch file contains a single commit hash -> all a branch is a pointer to a commit hash
a branch is not a sequence of commit. Its just points to a commit. a commit has a parent
git status
add a file to stage and then if changed, the new change will not be staged.
git add -p || --patch -> for interactively add to stage git add -i || --interactive
index is the staging area, place where which chages are to be added to next commit
git log --oneline --decorate --all --graph
git merge -> merge branch to the current branch we are in
git merge --abort -> cancel the merge if any conflicts
git rerere -> setting
git rebase -> rebases branch to the current branch and shows any conflicts git rebase --continue -> to continue after resolving conflict git rebase --no -ff -> no fast forward i.e., has a commit of merged similar to gi t merge new commit
git rebase -i -> interactively edit history -> change commit message -> squash multiple commits -> remove commit
git bisect
git checkout -> to discard the changes
git commit --amend -m "new commit message" -> changes previous commit message -> a new commit hash is generated bcz commit is changed git commit --amend -> adds staged changes to previous commit
git log --stat -> shows the files changed in each commit
git reset --soft -> resets and keeps changes in staged area git reset --mixed -> resets and keeps changes not in staged area only in working directory git reset --hard -> resets and removes changes in tracked file but not untracked files git clean
git reflog -> shows the work history incase we lost the changes with reset hard git checkout -> detached head state from above branch create a new branch -> git branch backup
git revert -> reverts to a particular commit by adding a new commit -> this doesn't change the history -> safe if the changes are pushed to remote and pulled -> does the opposite actions to bring the state to a reverted commit
git cherry-pick
git stash save "message" git stash list git stash pop git stash clear git stash apply
git reset hard undo git fsck –cache –no-reflogs –lost-found -> check git fsck man page
git add file.txt --force
to add a file which is in .gitignore
git rm --cached file.txt
to remove
git update-index --skip-worktree <file>
instruct git not to touch this file for changes
git update-index --no-skip-worktree <file>
undo the above command
git clean -df
to remove untracked files
git checkout .
to revert changes
git clean -df && git checkout .
to clean the working directory
git edit old commit -