Starred repositories
Medical image viewer using DWV (DICOM Web Viewer) and React.
Segment Anything in Medical Images
Build and Deploy a Fully Responsive Modern UI/UX Website, React.js, Next.js 13, Tailwind CSS
A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps
Content management system application for sharing, reviewing, rating, and storing recipes. Built with a Ruby on Rails back end and a JavaScript and React front end.
This is a simple recipes app with a basic CRUD and Rails API, created to demonstrate how to connect a Ruby on Rails back-end with a React front-end using ESbuild
This is the group capstone project in the fifth module of the Microverse program. It is a food recipes app built using Ruby on Rails.
A recipe app built with React and Ruby on Rails
This application allows users to keep a database of a variety of plants. Document plants health, watering schedules and planting times for optimal growth.
Ruby on Rails application that stores your favorite recipes and displays them with a React frontend.
A Neovim config setup with nvchad and python auto completion
Allows selection of python virtual environment from within neovim
Ruby on Rails, React, Webpack 4 boilerplate app.
This repository contains my personalized NvChad configuration, incorporating LSP, Copilot, and syntax highlighting features.
Barcode detection with Deep Learning (Tiny Yolo 3)
Projects repo for tutorials for my YouTube Channel
incredible 3D developer portfolio website with awesome graphics - built with React & Three.js 🪄
React component for Spline scenes.
Template respository with Django and React+ThreeJs for 3D browser development & complex UI