A Stock Market Full Stack Application to register and check all the company details and its related stocks.
This repository contains 3 different folders mentioned below:
- Screenshot of working application
- Frontend - Angular
- Backend - Spring Boot Microservices
Frontend contains the Angular developed part which performs all the basic functions as asked in the problem.
Backend contains 2 spring microservices which are deployed in AWS EC2 and there respective files have been uploaded to AWS S3. These backend applications are deployed as background services using docker on the AWS Cloud Platform.
Above that, Swagger UI latest version is used in order to interact with API without trobuling User to understand the functionalities by going through the code.
Company Service Link - http://ec2-34-228-73-192.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8080/swagger-ui/
Stock Service Link - http://ec2-107-20-30-210.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8080/swagger-ui/
For management and storing the data, MongoDB is used on AWS server to provide its features & services 24x7.
MongoDB URL - mongodb://ec2-34-228-73-192.compute-1.amazonaws.com:27017/
It contains database service which eventually contains 2 tables, i.e., company and stock for their respective purposes.
To run the application, run both the company-service and stock-service in the backend. To do that,either open the links provided above or follow the given steps:
- Open cmd in respective service folder.
- Type
mvn clean package
to create a jar file in target class - Type
cd target
in cmd to move to target folder - Type
java -jar <filename>.jar
where is the name of the .jar file [NOTE: There will be only one .jar file in target folder]
These steps will run the microservices in your localhost through which you can check the Springboot project functionalities.
To run the angular project in your respective machine, follow the steps :
- Go to e-stock-market folder present in Frontend.
- Open cmd in the same folder.
- Type
npm install
to install the dependencies for the project - After completing installation, type
ng serve --open
to run the Angular project.
If you will receive CORS error while using Angular on localhost, you can disable chrome security by using the following steps:
- Go to chrome folder in Program Files.
- Open cmd in that folder.
- Type
chrome.exe --disable-web-security --disable-gpu --user-data-dir="C:/ChromeDevSession"
to start chrome in Disabled security mode.