Make It MMD makes it easy to add and share MMD world compatibility settings for VRChat avatars.
- 🌟 It's non-destructive, running only when you build your avatar.
- ✏️ Settings are editable any time, no need to revert to the original mesh and try again.
- 💌 Plus easy .unitypackage export of your settings, no need to worry about sharing your avatar's mesh data.
Make It MMDは、VRChatアバターをMMDワールドに対応することおよび表情設定共有することを容易にします。
- 🌟 本ツールは非破壊的で、アバターをビルドする際にのみ実行されます。
- ✏️ 設定はいつでも編集可能で、元のメッシュに戻って再試行する必要はありません。
- 💌 さらに、設定を簡単に.unitypackageとしてエクスポートできるので、アバターのメッシュデータを共有する恐れがありません。
This tool has only been minimally tested with Unity 2019 and Sue v1.3.6 by mio3io at time of writing.
It's currently experimental, so please be aware it may not function as expected, and may undergo breaking changes.
現時点は、Unity 2019で、mio3ioさんの「透羽」v1.3.6のみで動作することをわずかに確認されておりました。
🚨Please do not use this unless you have a backup and understand the above!🚨
- 📦 Install using VRChat Creator Companion: Add VPM repository
- 📦 Install using .unitypackage: See Releases
以下は日本語の場合はGoogle TranslateまたはDeepLなどでお願いします。
Please be aware this tool will not work if the face has any name other than "Body". It will force all FX animators to Write Defaults ON. This may cause unexpected behavior. (Usage with FaceEmo is recommended.)
- Right-click your avatar in the hierarchy and select "Create Empty", and name your new object "MMD"
- Advanced users: This is just the recommended approach. You can use any object underneath your avatar, or even your avatar itself.
- Click on "Add Component" in your new object's inspector
- Search for "Make It MMD", or select "Scripts/Make It MMD"
- Click Open Editor
- On the left, you will see a list of MMD blend shapes. Select a blend shape to continue
- On the right, you will see the list of your avatar's blend shapes. Select a blend shape that corresponds to the MMD blend shape.
- Repeat for all MMD blend shapes you wish to support. The most important are generally あ い う え お.
- Click the Play button in the toolbar. Check that your avatar builds.
- Click on "Body" on your hierarchy, and check the blend shapes in the inspector. You should see the MMD blend shapes listed at the bottom.
- Adjust the MMD blend shapes to confirm that they function correctly.
- Exit the Play mode
- Build and publish your avatar!
This project uses dotnet format
with .editorconfig
to enforce style guidelines.
TODO: Add GitHub Action to automate this.
If csproj files are not generated:
& "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.4.31f1\Editor\Unity.exe" -batchmode -nographics -logFile - -projectPath . -executeMethod Packages.Rider.Editor.RiderScriptEditor.SyncSolution -quit
Then run dotnet format
dotnet format .\enitimeago.non-destructive-mmd.editor.csproj
dotnet format .\enitimeago.non-destructive-mmd.runtime.csproj