#mvn-android-project A simple bash script that generates an android project with maven configured as the build system. Code quality tools are preconfigured to run during a maven build. A .gitignore is also generated to filter out common Android files.
The following features are configured as part of the build:
- Checkstyle Maven Plugin - A development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard.
- FindBugs Maven Plugin - FindBugs uses static analysis to inspect Java bytecode for occurrences of bug patterns
- Robolectric - A unit test framework that de-fangs the Android SDK so you can test-drive the development of your Android app
- Robotium - A integration test framework.
- Spoon - Distributing instrumentation tests to all your Androids.
##Usage In Bash run: ./mvn-android-project com.mycompany my-project-name
##Notes The generated project requires Maven 3.1.1+. See the android-maven-plugin changelog for details.