Tags: BCCWAI/carla
* Upgraded parameters of Unreal/CarlaUE4/Config/DefaultInput.ini to … …prevent mouse freeze * Add build variant with AD RSS library integration with RSS sensor and result visualisation * Support for OpenGL and Vulkan in docker + headless mode * Added new sensor: Inertial measurement unit (IMU) * Added new sensor: Radar * Exposed rgb camera attributes: exposure, depth of field, tonemapper, color correction, and chromatic aberration * Now all the camera-based sensors are provided with an additional parametrized lens distortion shader * Added TrafficManager to replace autopilot in managing the NPC vehicles * Improved pedestrians navigation * API changes: - Lidar: `range` is now set in meters, not in centimeters - Lidar: `horizontal_angle` is now received in radians, not in degrees - GNSS: `carla.GnssEvent` renamed to `carla.GnssMeasurement` * API extensions: - Added `carla.IMUMeasurement` - Added `carla.RadarMeasurement` and `carla.RadarDetection` - GNSS data can now be obtained with noise - IMU data can now be obtained with noise * Moved GNSS sensor from client to server side * Added exporter plugin for UE4 to allow export meshes ready for Recast calculation * The 'make import' process now rename the assets accordingly and set complex collision as simple * New Python API function added (map.get_crosswalks()) that returns a list with all points that define the crosswalk zones from OpenDRIVE file * Updated `manual_control.py` with a lens disortion effect example * Updated `manual_control.py` with IMU and Radar realtime visualization * Fixed pylint for python3 in travis * Fixed PointCloudIO `cout` that interfiered with other python modules * Better steering in manual control * Added Doxygen documentation online with automatic updates through Jenkins pipeline * Fixed an error in `automatic_control.py` failing because the `Num Lock` key * Fixed client_bounding_boxes.py example script * Fixed materials and semantic segmentation issues regarding importing assets * Fixed ObstacleSensor to return HitDistance instead of HitRadius
ARLA 0.9.6 * Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.22 * Added Vulkan support, if installed, CARLA will use Vulkan, use `-opengl` flag to launch with OpenGL * The simulator is now compiled in "Shipping" mode, faster but it accepts less command-line arguments * Pedestrians are back: - Spawn pedestrians that will roam randomly on sidewalks - The script 'spawn_npc.py' spawns now pedestrians, adjust the number with the flag `-w` - Added navigation meshes for each maps for pedestrian navigation * Allow adding custom props (FBX) to CARLA Blueprint library so they are spawnable * Simplified pipeline for importing and packaging maps and custom props * Vehicle physics: - Added access to vehicle transmission details - Added access to vehicle physics brake values - Added tire friction trigger boxes for simulating slippery surfaces * Added camera gamma correction as command-line argument to manual_control.py * Added ability to set motion blur settings for RGB camera in sensor python blueprint * Added C++ client example using LibCarla * Added PythonAPI documentation generator, we documented in detail all the Python reference * Added a new Python script config.py that allows the user to configure the simulator from the command-line * New recorder features: - Documented recorded system and binary file - Added optional parameter to show more details about a recorder file (related to `show_recorder_file_info.py`) - Added playback speed (slow/fast motion) to the replayer - Allow custom paths for saving the recorded files - More data is now recorded to replay animations: + Wheels of vehicles are animated (steering, throttle, handbrake), also bikes and motorbikes + Walker animations are simulated (through speed of walker) * New high quality pedestrians: female, girl and boy; improved meshes and textures * More color and texture variations for each pedestrian * New vehicle Audi Etron: 25.000 tris and LODs * New material for Mustang, new system that will allow us to improve all the vehicle materials * Improved vehicle Tesla * New high-quality "Default" weather tailor-made for each map * Improved the rest of weather profiles too * RGB camera improvements: - Enabled temporal antialiasing and motion blur - Added gamma value and motion blur as a blueprint attributes - Enabled texture streaming for scene captures * API changes: - Renamed `frame_count` and `frame_number` as `frame`, old members are kept as deprecated - `world.wait_for_tick()` now returns a `carla.WorldSnapshot` - The callback of `world.on_tick(callback)` now receives a `carla.WorldSnapshot` - Deprecated waypoint's `is_intersection`, use `is_junction` instead * API extensions: - Added attachment type "SpringArm" for cinematic cameras - Added waypoint's `junction_id` that returns de OpenDrive identifier of the current junction - Added `world.get_actor(id)` to find a single actor by id - Added `carla.WeatherParameters.Default` for the default (tailor-made for each town) weather profile - Added `WorldSnapshot` that contains a list of `ActorSnapshot`, allows capturings a "still image" of the world at a single frame - Added `world.tick()` now synchronizes with the simulator and returns the id of the newly started frame - Added `world.apply_settings(settings)` now synchronizes with the simulator and returns the id of the frame when the settings took effect - Added `world.remove_on_tick(id)` to allow removing on tick callbacks - Added allow setting fixed frame-rate from client-side, now is part of `carla.WorldSettings` - Added `is_invincible` to walkers * Several optimizations to the RPC server, now supports a bigger load of async messages * Updated DebugHelper to render on Shipping packages, it has also better performance * Updated OpenDriveActor to use the new Waypoint API * Removed deprecated code and content * Exposed waypoints and OpenDrive map to UE4 Blueprints * Change the weight of cars. All cars have been compared with the real to have a feedback more real * Recorder fixes: - When a recorded session finish replaying, all vehicles will continue in autopilot, and all pedestrians will stop - Fixed a possible crash if an actor is respawned before the episode is ready when a new map is loaded automatically - Actors at start of playback could interpolate positions from its current position instead than the recorded position - Camera following in playback was not working if a new map was needed to load - API function 'show_recorder_file_info' was showing the wrong parent id - Script 'start_recording.py' now properly saves destruction of actors at stop - Problem when vehicles enable autopilot after a replayer, now it works better * Fixed dead-lock when loading a new map in synchronous mode * Fixed get_actors may produce actors without parent * Fixed std::bad_cast when importing other libraries, like tensorflow, before carla * Fixed latitude in WGS84 reprojection code such that Latitudes increase as one move north in CARLA worlds * Fixed walking animations, the animations now go at the same speed as the game * Fixed loading and reloading world not using the timeout * Fixed XODR files can be found now anywhere in content * Fixed bug related with Pygame error of surface too large, added sidewalks and improved lane markings in `no_rendering_mode.py` * Fixed Lidar effectiveness bug in manual_control.py * Fixed wrong units in VehiclePhysicsControl's center of mass * Fixed semantic segmentation of bike riders * Fixed inconsistent streetlights in Town03 * Fixed incorrect vehicle bounds
CARLA 0.9.5 * New Town07, rural environment with narrow roads * Reworked OpenDRIVE parser and waypoints API - Fixed several situations in which the XODR was incorrectly parsed - Exposed more information: lane marking, lane type, lane section id, s - API change: waypoint's `lane_type` is now an enum, `carla.LaneType` - API change: `carla.LaneMarking` is not an enum anymore, extended with color, type, lane change, and width - API extension: `map.get_waypoint` accepts an extra optional flag argument `lane_type` for filtering lane types - API extension: `carla.Map` can be constructed off-line out of XODR files, `carla.Map(town_name, xodr_content)` - API extension: `id` property to waypoints, uniquely identifying waypoints up to half centimetre precision * API change: Renamed "lane_invasion" to "lane_detector", added too its server-side sensor to be visible to other clients * API extension: new carla.command.SpawnActor to spawn actors in batch * API extension: `map.transform_to_geolocation` to transform Location to GNSS GeoLocation * API extension: added timestamp (elapsed simulation seconds) to SensorData * API extension: method `client.apply_batch_sync` that sends commands in batch and waits for server response * API extension: optional argument "actor_ids" to world.get_actors to request only the actors with the ids provided * Migrated Content to AWS * Updated `spawn_npc.py` to spawn vehicles in batch * Added --rolename to "manual_control.py" * Added options to "no_rendering_mode.py" to draw extra road information * Added "scene_layout.py" to retrieve the whole information in the scene as Python dict * Basic agent integrated with global router * Allow usage of hostname for carla::Client and resolve them to IP addresses * Added new pack of assets - Windmill, different farm houses, silo - Plants corn, dandelion, poppy, and grass - Yield traffic sign * Added modular buildings New York style * Added marking lanes in Town03 * Added command-line arguments to simulator to disable rendering and set the server timeout * Improved performance in Town01 and Town02 * Changed yellow marking lane from Town01 and Town02 to dashed yellow marking lane * Improved lane cross detection to use the new Waypoint API * Enhanced stop triggers options * Fixed semantic segmentation tags in Town04, Town05, Town06 * Fixed tree collision in Town01 * Fixed VehicleSpawnPoint out of the road in Town01 * Fixed geo-reference of Town01 and Town07 * Fixed floating pillars in Town04 * Fixed floating building in Town03 * Fixed vehicles missing the route if autopilot enabled too late * Fixed division by zero in is_within_distance_ahead() * Fixed local planner to avoid premature route pruning at path overlaps * Fixed global router behavior to be consistent with new Waypoint API * Fixed clean up of local_planner when used by other modules * Fixed python client DLL error on Windows * Fixed wrong type returned by `ActorList.Filter(...)` * Fixed wheel's tire friction affecting all vehicles from physics control parameters * Fixed obstacle detector not working * Fixed small float bug in misc.py
CARLA 0.9.4 * Added recording and playback functionality * Added synchronous mode, simulator waits until a client sends a "tick" cue, `client.tick()` * Allow changing map from client-side, added `client.load_map(name)`, `client.reload_map()`, and `client.get_available_maps()` * Added scripts and tools to import maps directly from .fbx and .xodr files into the simulator * Exposed minimum physics control parameters for vehicles' engine and wheels * Allow controlling multiple actors in "batch mode" * New Town06, featuring a "Michigan left" intersection including: - Connection ramp between two highways - Incorporation to a highway requiring changing several lanes to take another exit - Junctions supporting different scenarios * New traffic signs assets: one-way, no-turn, more speed limits, do not enter, arrow floors, Michigan left, and lane end * New pedestrian texture to add more variations * New road PBR material * Extended the waypoint API with `lane_change`, `lane_type`, `get_right_lane()` and `get_left_lane()` * Added world settings for changing no-rendering mode and synchronous mode at run-time * Added methods to acquire a traffic light's pole index and all traffic lights in it's group * Added performance benchmark script to measure the simulator's rendering performance * Added `manual_control_steeringwheel.py` to control agents using Logitech G29 steering wheels (and maybe others) * Added movable props present in the map (e.g. chairs and tables) as actors so they can be controlled from Python * Added recording and playback bindings to `manual_control.py` script * Removed `world.map_name` from API, use `world.get_map().name` instead * Refactored `no_rendering_mode.py` to improve performance and interface * Several improvements to the build system for Windows * Expose traffic sign's trigger volumes on Python API * Improved export/import map tools * Simplify Dockerfile halving Carla Docker image size * Episodes have now a random unique id to avoid collisions between runs * Reduced overhead of many RPC calls by sending only actor IDs (instead of serializing all the actor attributes every time) * Added priority system for vehicle control input (internal, not exposed in API) * Removed "Example.CarlaSettings.ini", you can still use it, but it's no longer necessary * Improved time-out related error messages * Fixed Town01 placed 38 meters above the zero * Fixed parsing of OpenDrive geo-reference exported by RoadRunner * Fixed issue of retrieving an empty list when calling `world.get_actors()` right after creating the world * Fixed a few synchronization issues related to changing the world at runtime * Fixed traffic light when it gets illuminated by the hero vehicle in `no_rendering_mode.py` * Fixed `manual_control.py` and `no_rendering_mode.py` to prevent crashes when used in "no rendering mode" * Fixed traffic signs having the trigger box rotated * Fixed female walk animation * Fixed BP_MultipleFloor, tweaked offset in BaseFloor to adjust meshes between them * Fixed static objects present in the map were marked as "movable"
CARLA 0.9.3 * Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.21 * Upgraded Boost to 1.69.0 * New Town04 (biggest so far), includes a freeway, new bridge and road barrier, a nicer landscape based on height-map, and new street props * New Town05, adding more variety of intersections for the scenario runner * Redesigned pedestrian models and animations (walk and idle) for male and female characters * Added sensor for detecting obstacles (ray-cast based) * Added sensor GNSS (GPS) * Basic agent integrated with global router * Added a few methods to manage an actor: - set_velocity: for setting the linear velocity - set_angular_velocity: for setting the angular velocity - get_angular_velocity: for getting the angular velocity - add_impulse: for applying an impulse (in world axis) * Renamed vehicle.get_vehicle_control() to vehicle.get_control() to be consistent with walkers * Added new mesh for traffic lights * Added new pine tree assets, with their LODs finely tuned for performance * Added point transformation functionality for LibCarla and PythonAPI * Added "sensor_tick" attribute to sensors (cameras and lidars) to specify the capture rate in seconds * Added Export/Import map tools * Added "get_forward_vector()" to rotation and transform, retrieves the unit vector on the rotation's X-axis * Added support for Deepin in PythonAPI's setup.py * Added support for spawning and controlling walkers (pedestrians) * Updated BasicAgent to allow setting target_speed and handle US-style traffic lights properly * OpenDriveActor has been rewritten using the Waypoint API, this has fixed some bugs * Remove crash reporter from packaged build * Improved simulator fatal error handling, now uses UE4 fatal error system * LibCarla server pipeline now compiles with exceptions disabled for better performance and compatibility with UE4 * Fixed TCP accept error, too many open files while creating and destroying a lot of sensors * Fixed lost error messages in client-side, now when a request fails it reports the reason * Fixed global route planner to handle round about turns and made the code consistent with local planner * Fixed local planner to avoid premature route pruning at path overlaps * Fixed autopilot direction not properly initialized that interfered with the initial raycast direction * Fixed crash when an actor was destroyed but not de-registered, e.g. falling out of world bounds
CARLA 0.9.2 * Updated ROS bridge for CARLA 0.9.X (moved to its own repository) * Added Python API "agents" extension, includes - Global route planner based on the Waypoints API (compatible with OpenDrive) - BasicAgent: new client agent that can drive to a given coordinate of the map using the waypoint API and PID controllers, attending to other vehicles and traffic lights - RoamingAgent: new client agent that can drive at different speeds following waypoints based on PID controllers, attending to other vehicles and traffic lights - LocalPlanner functionality to navigate waypoints using PID controllers - LateralControl and LongitudinalControl PIDs * Add support for manual gear shifting * Add "role_name" attribute to actors to easily identify the "hero" vehicle * Updates to documentation and tutorials * Simulator now starts by default in windowed mode * CMake version required downgraded to 3.5 for better compatibility * Fix waypoints height were all placed at zero height * Fix actors in world.get_actors() missing parent actor * Fix some vehicles losing their wheels after calling set_simulate_physics * Several fixes and improvements to OpenDriveActor
CARLA 0.9.1 * New town: Town03 - Created with Vector Zero's RoadRunner (including OpenDrive information of the road layout) - Bigger and more diverse - More road variety: multiple lanes and lane markings, curves at different angles, roundabout, elevation, tunnel * Lots of improvements to the Python API - Support for Python 3 - Support for retrieving and changing lighting and weather conditions - Migrated Lidar sensor - Migrated image converter methods: Depth, LogarithmicDepth, and CityScapesPalette - Migrated IO methods for sensor data, "save_to_disk" available for PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and PLY - Added support for requesting the list of all the actors alive in the current world, `world.get_actors()` - `world.get_actors()` returns an `ActorList` object with `filter` functionality and lazy initialization of actors - Added collision event sensor, "sensor.other.collision", that triggers a callback on each collision to the actor it is attached to - Added lane detector sensor, "sensor.other.lane_detector", that detects lane invasion events - Added `carla.Map` and `carla.Waypoint` classes for querying info about the road layout - Added methods for converting and saving the map as OpenDrive format - Added `map.get_spawn_points()` to retrieve the recommended spawn points for vehicles - Added `map.get_waypoint(location)` to query the nearest waypoint - Added `map.generate_waypoints(distance)` to generate waypoints all over the map at an approximated distance - Added `map.get_topology()` for getting a list the tuples of waypoints that define the edges of the road graph - Added `waypoint.next(distance)` to retrieve the list of the waypoints at a distance that can be driven from this waypoint - Added `parent` attributes to actors, not None if the actor is attached to another actor - Added `semantic_tags` to actors containing the list of tags of all of its components - Added methods for retrieving velocity and acceleration of actors - Added function to enable/disable simulating physics on an actor, `actor.set_simulate_physics(enabled=True)` - Added bounding boxes to vehicles, `vehicle.bounding_box` property - Exposed last control applied to vehicles, `vehicle.get_vehicle_control()` - Added a "tick" message containing info of all the actors in the scene - Executed in the background and cached - Added `world.wait_for_tick()` for blocking the current thread until a "tick" message is received - Added `world.on_tick(callback)` for executing a callback asynchronously each time a "tick" message is received - These methods return/pass a `carla.Timestamp` object containing, frame count, delta time of last tick, global simulation time, and OS timestamp - Methods retrieving actor's info, e.g. `actor.get_transform()`, don't need to connect with the simulator, which makes these calls quite cheap - Allow drawing debug shapes from Python: points, lines, arrows, boxes, and strings (`world.debug.draw_*`) - Added id (id of current episode) and map name to `carla.World` - Exposed traffic lights and signs as actors. Traffic lights have a specialized actor class that has the traffic light state (red, green, yellow) as property - Added methods for accessing and modifying individual items in `carla.Image` (pixels) and `carla.LidarMeasurement` (locations) - Added `carla.Vector3D` for (x, y, z) objects that are not a `carla.Location` - Removed `client.ping()`, `client.get_server_version()` accomplishes the same - Renamed `contains_X()` methods to `has_X()` - Changed `client.set_timeout(seconds)` to use seconds (float) instead of milliseconds - Allow iterating attributes of an Actor's Blueprint - Fixed wildcard filtering issues, now "vehicle.*" or "*bmw*" patterns work too - Fixed `actor.set_transform()` broken for attached actors * More Python example scripts and improved the present ones - Now all the scripts use the list of recommended spawn points for each map - Renamed "example.py" to "tutorial.py", and updated it with latest changes in API - Added timeout to the examples - "manual_control.py" performance has been improved while having more measurements - "manual_control.py" now has options to change camera type and position - "manual_control.py" now has options to iterate weather presets - "manual_control.py" now has a fancier HUD with lots of info, and F1 key binding to remove it - Added "dynamic_weather.py" to change the weather in real-time (the one used in the video) - Added "spawn_npc.py" to quickly add a lot of NPC vehicles to the simulator - Added "spawn_npc.py --safe" to only add non-problematic vehicles - "vehicle_gallery.py" also got some small fixes * Asset and content improvements - New vehicle: Lincoln MKZ 2017 - Refactored weather system, parametrized to make it easier to use - Improved control of bikes and motorbikes, still not perfect but causes less accidents - Added building block generator system - Misc city assets: New building, tunnel columns, rail-road bridges, new textures, new urban props - Adjusted vehicle physics and center of mass - Adjusted the maximum distance culling for foliage - Adjusted pedestrian animations and scale issues (not yet available with new API though) - Improved map building blueprints, spline based asset repeaters, and wall building tools - Replaced uses of Unreal's Foliage system with standard static meshes to work around a visual bug in Linux systems - Fixed filenames too long when packing the project on Windows - Fixed "SplineMeshRepeater" loses its collider mesh from time to time - Standardized asset nomenclature * New system for road information based on OpenDrive format - Added new map classes for querying info about the road layout and topology - Added methods for finding closest point on the road - Added methods for generating and iterating waypoints based on the road layout - Added OpenDrive parser to convert OpenDrive files to our map data structures * Other miscellaneous improvements and fixes - Fixed single channel Lidar crash (by @cwecht) - Fixed command-line argument `-carla-settings` fails to load absolute paths (by @harlowja) - Added an option to command-line to change quality level when launching the simulator, `-quality-level=Low` - Added ROS bridge odometry message (by @ShepelIlya) - New lens distortion shader, sadly not yet integrated with our cameras :( - New Docker tutorial - Disabled texture streaming to avoid issue of textures not loading in scene captures - Adjusted scene capture camera gamma to 2.4 - Fixed leaking objects in simulation when despawning a vehicle. Now Pawn's controller is destroyed too if necessary when destroying an Actor - Fixed overflow on platform time-stamp, now it uses `double` - Upgraded @rpclib to fix crash when client exits too fast (rpclib/PR#167) - Moved "PythonClient" inside deprecated folder to avoid confusion - Refactored sensor related code - New plugin system for sensors that simplifies adding sensors, mini-tutorial at carla-simulator#830 - Compile-time dispatcher for sensors and serializers * Improvements to the streaming library - Added multi-streams for streaming simultaneously to multiple clients (used by the "tick" message) - Messages re-use allocated memory when possible - Allows unsubscribing from a stream - Fixed client receives interleaved sensor messages, some messages can be discarded if connection is too slow though - Fixed streaming client fails to connect in Windows - Fixed streaming client keeps trying to reconnect after destroying a sensor * Refactored client C++ API - Python GIL is released whenever possible to avoid blocking - Fixed deadlock when closing the simulator while a client is connected - Fixed crash on simulator shutdown if a client has connected at some point - Set methods are now sent async which greatly improves performance in the client-side - Vehicle control is cached and not sent if haven't changed - Suppressed exceptions in destructors * Other development improvements - Improved Linux Makefile, fine-grained targets to reduce compilation times in development - Workaround for "setup.py" to link against "libcarla_client.a" again (Linux only) - Added support for ".gtest" file, each line of this file is passed to GTest executables as arguments when running `make check` targets - Python eggs are also archived on Jenkins to easily get them without downloading the full package - Added uncrustify config file for formatting UE4 C++ code
CARLA 0.9.0 * Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.19 * Redesign of the networking architecture - Allows any number of clients to connect simultaneously - Now is possible to add and remove at any time any vehicle or camera - Now is possible to control any vehicle or camera - Now is possible to place cameras anywhere - Reduced to two ports instead of three - First port uses an RPC protocol based on [rpclib](http://rpclib.net/) - Second port is for the streaming of the sensor data * Redesign of the Python API - Actors and sensors are now exposed in the API and can be independently controlled - The Python module is built in C++, with significant performance gain in some operations - Many functionality haven't been ported yet, so expect a lot of things missing * Redesign of the build system to accommodate the changes in dependencies - Everything can be done now with the Makefile - For the moment only Linux is supported, sorry * Massive clean up of all unused assets * Some aesthetic fixes to the vehicles
CARLA 0.8.4 * Community contribution: ROS bridge by @laurent-george * New vehicle: Tesla Model 3 * Added an option to _"CarlaSettings.ini"_ to disable bikes and motorbikes * Fixed missing collision of vehicles introduced in 0.8.3 * Improved stability of bikes and motorbikes * Improved autopilot turning behaviour at intersections, now using front wheels positions as reference * Temporarily removed Kawasaki Ninja motorbikes because the model was having some stability issues
CARLA 0.8.3 * Added two-wheeled vehicles, 3 bicycles and 4 motorbikes * Several art optimizations (CARLA is now about 10% faster) - Improved the performance of vegetation assets, adjusted LOD and culling distance, set billboards where possible - Drastically reduced the number of polygons of the landscape while keeping the original shape - Removed some high-cost unnecessary assets - Remodelled Mustang and NissanMicra, now with less polygons and materials, better textures and LOD - Remodelled building SM_TerracedHouse_01, now with more polygons but less materials and better textures * CARLA releases include now a Dockerfile for building docker images * Change in HUD: replace "FPS" by "Simulation Step" * The current map name is now included in the scene description message sent to the client * Adapted "manual_control.py" and "view_start_positions.py" to use the map name sent by the simulator * Improved the vehicle spawning algorithm, now it tries to spawn as much cars as possible even if there are not enough spawn points * "Setup.sh" is now faster and accepts an argument to run multiple jobs in parallel * Fixed foliage distance culling using wrong distance in "Low Mode" * Fixed NissanMicra slightly turning left when driving straight