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Helper script for deployment to Amazon ECS.

This gem is experimental.

Main purpose is combination with capistrano API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ecs_deploy', github: "reproio/ecs_deploy"

And then execute:

$ bundle


Use by Capistrano.

# Capfile
require 'ecs_deploy/capistrano'

# deploy.rb
set :ecs_default_cluster, "ecs-cluster-name"
set :ecs_region, %w(ap-northeast-1) # optional, if nil, use environment variable
set :ecs_service_role, "customEcsServiceRole" # default: ecsServiceRole
set :ecs_deploy_wait_timeout, 600 # default: 300
set :ecs_wait_until_services_stable_max_attempts, 40 # optional
set :ecs_wait_until_services_stable_delay, 15 # optional

set :ecs_tasks, [
    name: "myapp-#{fetch(:rails_env)}",
    container_definitions: [
        name: "myapp",
        image: "#{fetch(:docker_registry_host_with_port)}/myapp:#{fetch(:sha1)}",
        cpu: 1024,
        memory: 512,
        port_mappings: [],
        essential: true,
        environment: [
          {name: "RAILS_ENV", value: fetch(:rails_env)},
        mount_points: [
            source_volume: "sockets_path",
            container_path: "/app/tmp/sockets",
            read_only: false,
        volumes_from: [],
        log_configuration: {
          log_driver: "fluentd",
          options: {
            "tag" => "docker.#{fetch(:rails_env)}.#{name}.{{.ID}}",
        name: "nginx",
        image: "#{fetch(:docker_registry_host_with_port)}/my-nginx",
        cpu: 256,
        memory: 256,
        links: [],
        port_mappings: [
          {container_port: 443, host_port: 443, protocol: "tcp"},
        essential: true,
        environment: {},
        mount_points: [],
        volumes_from: [
          {source_container: "myapp-#{fetch(:rails_env)}", read_only: false},
        log_configuration: {
          log_driver: "fluentd",
          options: {
            "tag" => "docker.#{fetch(:rails_env)}.#{name}.{{.ID}}",
    volumes: [{name: "sockets_path", host: {}}],

set :ecs_scheduled_tasks, [
    cluster: "default", # Unless this key, use fetch(:ecs_default_cluster)
    rule_name: "schedule_name",
    schedule_expression: "cron(0 12 * * ? *)",
    description: "schedule_description", # Optional
    target_id: "task_name", # Unless this key, use task_definition_name
    task_definition_name: "myapp-#{fetch(:rails_env)}",
    task_count: 2, # Default 1
    revision: 12, # Optional
    role_arn: "TaskRoleArn", # Optional
    container_overrides: [ # Optional
      name: "myapp-main",
      command: ["ls"],

set :ecs_services, [
    name: "myapp-#{fetch(:rails_env)}",
    load_balancers: [
        load_balancer_name: "service-elb-name",
        container_port: 443,
        container_name: "nginx",
        target_group_arn: "alb_target_group_arn",
        container_port: 443,
        container_name: "nginx",
    desired_count: 1,
    deployment_configuration: {maximum_percent: 200, minimum_healthy_percent: 50},
cap <stage> ecs:register_task_definition # register ecs_tasks as TaskDefinition
cap <stage> ecs:deploy_scheduled_task # register ecs_scheduled_tasks to CloudWatchEvent
cap <stage> ecs:deploy # create or update Service by ecs_services info

cap <stage> ecs:rollback # deregister current task definition and update Service by previous revision of current task definition

Rollback example

sequence taskdef service desc
1 myapp:12 myapp-service
2 myapp:13 myapp-service
3 myapp:14 myapp-service current

After rollback

sequence taskdef service desc
1 myapp:12 myapp-service
2 myapp:13 myapp-service
3 myapp:14 myapp-service deregister
4 myapp:13 myapp-service current

And rollback again

sequence taskdef service desc
1 myapp:12 myapp-service
2 myapp:13 myapp-service previous
3 myapp:14 myapp-service deregister
4 myapp:13 myapp-service deregister
5 myapp:12 myapp-service current

And deploy new version

sequence taskdef service desc
1 myapp:12 myapp-service
2 myapp:13 myapp-service
3 myapp:14 myapp-service deregister
4 myapp:13 myapp-service deregister
5 myapp:12 myapp-service
6 myapp:15 myapp-service current

And rollback

sequence taskdef service desc
1 myapp:12 myapp-service
2 myapp:13 myapp-service
3 myapp:14 myapp-service deregister
4 myapp:13 myapp-service deregister
5 myapp:12 myapp-service
6 myapp:15 myapp-service deregister
7 myapp:12 myapp-service current


The autoscaler of ecs_deploy supports auto scaling of ECS services and clusters.


  • You use a ECS cluster whose instances belong to either an auto scaling group or a spot fleet request
  • You have CloudWatch alarms and you want to scale services when their state changes

How to use autoscaler

First, write a configuration file (YAML format) like below:

# ポーリング時にupscale_triggersに指定した状態のalarmがあればstep分serviceとinstanceを増やす (max_task_countまで)
# ポーリング時にdownscale_triggersに指定した状態のalarmがあればstep分serviceとinstanceを減らす (min_task_countまで)
# max_task_countは段階的にリミットを設けられるようにする
# 一回リミットに到達するとcooldown_for_reach_maxを越えても状態が継続したら再開するようにする

polling_interval: 60

  - name: ecs-cluster-nodes
    region: ap-northeast-1
    # autoscaler will set the capacity to (buffer + desired_tasks * required_capacity).
    # Adjust this value if it takes much time to prepare ECS instances and launch new tasks.
    buffer: 1

  - id: sfr-354de735-2c17-4565-88c9-10ada5b957e5
    region: ap-northeast-1
    buffer: 1

# If you specify `spot_instance_intrp_warns_queue_urls` as SQS queue for spot instance interruption warnings,
# autoscaler will polls them and set the state of instances to be intrrupted to "DRAINING".
# autoscaler will also waits for the capacity of active instances in the cluster being decreased
# when the capacity of spot fleet request is decreased,
# so you should specify URLs or set the state of the instances to "DRAINING" manually.

  - name: repro-api-production
    cluster: ecs-cluster
    region: ap-northeast-1
    # auto_scaling_group_name or spot fleet request ID the instances in the cluster belongs to
    auto_scaling_group_name: ecs-cluster-nodes
    step: 1
    idle_time: 240
    max_task_count: [10, 25]
      - {from: "1:45", to: "4:30", count: 8}
    cooldown_time_for_reach_max: 600
    min_task_count: 0
    # Required capacity per task (default: 1)
    # You should specify "binpack" as task placement strategy if the value is less than 1 and you use an auto scaling group.
    required_capacity: 0.5
      - alarm_name: "ECS [repro-api-production] CPUUtilization"
        state: ALARM
      - alarm_name: "ELB repro-api-a HTTPCode_Backend_5XX"
        state: ALARM
        step: 2
      - alarm_name: "ECS [repro-api-production] CPUUtilization (low)"
        state: OK

  - name: repro-worker-production
    cluster: ecs-cluster-for-worker
    region: ap-northeast-1
    spot_fleet_request_id: sfr-354de735-2c17-4565-88c9-10ada5b957e5
    step: 1
    idle_time: 240
    cooldown_time_for_reach_max: 600
    min_task_count: 0
    required_capacity: 2
      - alarm_name: "ECS [repro-worker-production] CPUUtilization"
        state: ALARM
      - alarm_name: "ECS [repro-worker-production] CPUUtilization (low)"
        state: OK

Then, execute the following command:

ecs_auto_scaler <config yaml>

I recommends deploy ecs_auto_scaler on ECS too.


Signal Description
TERM, INT Shutdown gracefully
CONT Resume auto scaling
TSTP Pause auto scaling (Run only container instance draining)

IAM policy for autoscaler

The following policy is required for the preceding configuration of "repro-api-production" service:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

The following policy is required for the preceding configuration of "repro-worker-production" service:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "ecs:UpdateContainerInstancesState",
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "ArnEquals": {
          "ecs:cluster": "arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:<account-id>:cluster/ecs-cluster-for-worker"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:sqs:ap-northeast-1:<account-id>:spot-instance-intrp-warns"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


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  • Ruby 99.8%
  • Shell 0.2%