Nodejs ExpressJs MongoDB Twillio Cloudinary Postman
- OTP verification with twillio
- Register, login with validation form.
- Quick login with Google | Facebook
- Forgot password, reset password and register a new account by Email verification.
- Update personal information (name, password and avatar)
- Upload Avatar profile pic to cloudinary
- Change permissions and delete user accounts with Admin.
Server runs on http://localhost:5000
0.POST OTP localhost:5000/user/otpSent { "phonenumber" : "1234567890", "channel" : "sms" }
0.1 POST verifyOtp localhost:5000/user/verifyOtp { "phonenumber" : "1234567890", "code" : "6 Digit Code from Mobile SMS" }
1.POST register localhost:5000/user/register { "name" : "shiva", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "123456" } "msg": "Register Success! Please activate your email to start."
POST Activation Token localhost:5000/user/activation { "activation_token" : " token get from email " } "msg": "Account has been activated!"
POST login localhost:5000/user/login { "email": "[email protected]", "password": "123456" } "msg": "Login success!"
4.POST Refresh Token localhost:5000/user/refresh_token
5.POST Fogot Password localhost:5000/user/forgot { "email": "[email protected]" } "msg": "Re-send the password, please check your email."
6.POST Reset Passwrd localhost:5000/user/reset { "password" : "1234567" } "msg": "Password successfully changed!"
7.GET User info localhost:5000/user/infor Autherization Access Token
8.GET Admin AllUser Info localhost:5000/user/all_infor Autherization Access Token
9.PATCH Update User Details localhost:5000/user/update { "name" : "Shiva GGG", "avtar" : "" } "msg": "Update Success!"
10.PATCH UserRoleUpdate localhost:5000/user/update_role/id: 615ac3fb64b2c706ec829d00 { "role": 1 } "msg": "Update Success!"
11.GET Logout localhost:5000/user/logout