This assume you will provide one or multiple machines to host the products. These machine should be made available on the internet (eg so mobile application can submit their data to the server)
Avoid at all cost putting dhis2 on the same machine. Dhis2 is already a complex beast, adding these products there will just complexify your scaling up strategies.
Depending on the size of your organisation, you'll perhaps have to split products accross multiple machines.
The general target infrastructure will look like this
When we went for something like "systemd, docker images, docker-compose"
This allows some
- homogeneity to
- stop/start
- installation & versioning
- consult the logs
- isolation (avoid package collisions)
- Hesabu : ruby 3.2 + openssl 1.1
- Enketo : nodejs
- Iaso : python 3.7 + gdal + openssl 1.0
- Dhis2 : java
- easier relocation
- move to bigger machines
- split products accross multiple machines
- scale up ou disaster recovery (rebuild the infra)
clone this repository then
apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- stop here and call us
- make the port 80 443 22 available to "the outside world"
aws-vault exec blsq --no-session
cd playbooks/aws-lightsail-instance/
ansible-playbook -e "instance_name=uganda state=present" create-delete-instance.yml
the output will look like
ok: [localhost] => {
"address": ""
this is the ip address of the new instance
you can check the domain is configured
dig 275 IN A
if you plan to use such instance for a more "production" ready : attach a static ip ! or on the next restart the ip will change.
make sure the instance is available for https
- if you have an nginx upfront that will handle https certificates
- if you have the machine directly (ex lightsails)
adapt the blsq_products_regexp depending
blsq_products_regexp: .*(?:iaso|hesabu|dataviz).*
possible products : iaso, hesabu, dataviz, d2d
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/myssh.pem
ansible_user: ubuntu
TRAEFIK_PWD: replaceme1
ACME_EMAIL: [email protected]
PORTAINER_PASSWORD: replacemewithhttpdpass
MINIO_ROOT_USER: minioroot
replace each replacemeX
with a different value you can use uuidgen | tr -d - | tr -d '\n'
generate a password based for PORTAINER_PASSWORD
docker run --rm httpd:2.4-alpine htpasswd -nbB admin '<<replaceme1>>' | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed -r 's/[$]+/\$\$/g'
This calls htpasswd, keep only the password part and replace $ by $$ to get it right in docker-compose yml) Note that if the portainer has already started, you need to stop it, delete the volume
generate a password for SECRET_KEY_BASE
require 'securerandom'
puts SecureRandom.hex(64)
- systemctl stop traefik
- docker volume ls
- docker volume rm traefik_portainer-data
- docker volume ls
- systemctl start traefik
Host localhosting-sms
user ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/localhosting-eu-west-3.pem
Port 22
save then test your access
ssh localhosting-sms
go back to the root directory of ops-local-hosting and launch
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory/dev/ playbooks/blsq.yml
Then test
It's not working ?
ssh localhosting-sms
systemctl status iaso
journalctl -u iaso
journalctl -u traefik
sudo systemctl restart traefik
journalctl -u traefik
If you were previously hosted on our SAAS offering, we'll need to coordinates upfront to provide you dumps with your data.
According to the product pick the right procedure
- some requires access to postgres dumps generated by our team,
- some requires extra files to upload in your minio instance
see these documents
- setup a cron (pg_dump the databases)
- monitor daily these backups (success/failure, late,... )
- move these files for off site retention
- test the restore on seperate machine from time to time
see :
You can manually trigger the dumps
sudo ./toolbox dataviz dump dataviz-worker
sudo ./toolbox hesabu dump hesabu-worker
sudo ./toolbox d2d dump d2d-backend-sidekiq
sudo ./toolbox iaso dump iaso_1
but ideally put them in a crontab then "move" them to another location
this can be done by
- encrypting them
- moving them to an s3 bucket
don't forget to
- test the restore of these backups
- cleanup old dumps (/home/backups and in s3)
If the server looks ok then a few last steps are necessary for most products.
You will probably receveive a last dump to restore with the latest production data from our SAAS.
A last step is to have your production dhis2 talk to the new/correct servers.
- watch diskspace (most database will grow)
- check server availability (like pingdom or other similar product)
- check backups are produced, moved to a safe off site location, cleaned from the machine
- upgrades to ensure the host service is secure