Scrapes contract id's from Interactive Broker's website.
The program crawls all the links found at: http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/p.php?f=products
The program is written in C# and relies on the HtmlAgilityPack for most/all of the heavy lifting (http://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/). The output file is about 12MB, with around 216,000 contracts. There are about 224 exchanges, 2450 pages to download.
The author is Shane Castle ([email protected]).
Installing IbContractExtractor is just a matter of unzipping the download
file to wherever you want to install it.
Start via the command line.
c:\unzip path\>IbExtract.exe
1. Writes out a list of exchanges to:
c:\unzip path\exchanges.txt
2. Writes a list of contract id's and details to:
c:\unzip path\contracts.txt
The project is built with VisualStudio 2010.
It should compile with command line tools, but I haven't tested that.
A free version of VisualStudio 2010 Express is available here:
Just open the .sln file and compile as normal.
Moved to GitHub from SourceForge in May 2013.