A Advance - multifunctional Android RAT with GUI based Web Panel without port forwarding.
A multifunctional Telegram based Android RAT without port forwarding.
The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing
PHP packager for native applications on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS
A powerful tool that utilizes the technique of google dorking to search for specific information on the internet.
Asp.Net Core Mvc implementation of inventory order management system. warehouse, product, vendor, customer, purchase order, sales order, shipment, goods receive and more.
Keylogger with script to hide code, just set it to a directory in which code will hide.
A basic Windows keylogger in C++ for US standard keyboards.
An Audio Steganography Tool, written in C++
Here You will find some easy C and C++ project.
These are small C language programs meant for learning and understanding the fundamentals of programming.
Phonebook is a simple project built in C where you can save the Infos of a person and can modify and delete it too.
Simple & Powerful PowerShell Script Obfuscator
An in-depth approach to obfuscating the individual components of a PowerShell payload whether you're on Windows or Kali Linux.
A simple C++ header only command line argument parser
The recursive internet scanner for hackers. 🧡
Best DDoS Attack Script Python3, (Cyber / DDos) Attack With 56 Methods
Appshark is a static taint analysis platform to scan vulnerabilities in an Android app.
m4rm0k / retoolkit
Forked from mentebinaria/retoolkitReverse Engineer's Toolkit
A multifunctional Telegram based Android RAT without port forwarding.
advertools - online marketing productivity and analysis tools