FlaskBlog is a web application for creating and reading blog posts, developed using Flask and Python as well as other libraries.
- Html
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Python
- Flask
- JavaScript
- MySQL Database
- User registration
- Login
- Logout
- Create Posts
- Edit post
- Read post
- Delete post
- See all posts from a particular user
- Account Page
- Update Profile picture
- Password Reset
- Post reactions
- Flask - 2.3.2
- Flask_SQLAlchemy - 2.5.1
- SQLAlchemy - 2.0.17 or newer
- Werkzeug 2.3.6
- Passlib
- WTForms
- Python 3.11.4 or newer
download source code from Github 💾 clone this repository
go to directory 📁 cd flask_Blog
Create Virtual Environment
- $ virtualenv venv
- $ source venv/bin/activate
install requirements.txt 🔽 pip install -r requirements.txt
it's ready to run 🎉 python run.py