tiny-AES-c Public
Forked from kokke/tiny-AES-cSmall portable AES128/192/256 in C
C The Unlicense UpdatedDec 15, 2020 -
vue-element-admin Public
Forked from PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
Vue MIT License UpdatedMay 14, 2020 -
tun2http Public
Forked from forbe/tun2httpAndroid VPN interceptor to send HTTP and HTTPS traffic to a proxy
C UpdatedApr 14, 2020 -
NetBare Public
Forked from MegatronKing/NetBare-AndroidNet packets capture & injection library designed for Android
Java MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2020 -
AndroidNativeEmu Public
Forked from P4nda0s/AndroidNativeEmuAllows you to partly emulate an Android native library.
Python UpdatedNov 15, 2019 -
UPX - the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
C Other UpdatedAug 3, 2018 -
BinderHelper Public
Copy android libbinder and libutils as third libraries in an app
pholcus Public
Forked from andeya/pholcus[Crawler for Golang] Pholcus is a distributed, high concurrency and powerful web crawler software.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 5, 2017 -
m462 Public
Forked from meizuosc/m462Official Linux kernel for Meizu M462(MX4 Pro) series of smartphones.
C Other UpdatedDec 7, 2015 -
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