This code and data is a companion to the paper, "Analyzing Research Trends in Inorganic Materials Literature Using NLP".
contains tokenized and labelled information for 301 synthesis process. Each annotated process are splited as "train.tsv", "devel.tsv", or "test.tsv". This annotated documents contains equal-length arrays of tokens and their respective labels.
contains raw annotation files in the BRAT annotation format. You can load these into your own instance of BRAT and modify the annotations however you like.
This dataset is made freely available to academic and non-academic entities for non-commercial purposes such as academic research, teaching, scientific publications, or personal experimentation. You can view a license summary here.
If you use this corpus for your research, please cite our paper.
title={Analyzing Research Trends in Inorganic Materials Literature Using NLP},
author={Fusataka Kuniyoshi and Jun Ozawa and Makoto Miwa},
title={Annotating and Extracting Synthesis Process of All-Solid-State Batteries from Scientific Literature},
author={Fusataka Kuniyoshi and Kohei Makino and J. Ozawa and Makoto Miwa},