Profile Page
- Profile Pic
- All the Transations
- All the Events Participated
- All the Events created by them
- Username
- User about
- Wallet address
Change Harcode messageXsignature verification to timestamp one User will address and timestamp with bango hardocde string, we will verify if timestamp is more than 1 min old then reject auth
Add discription in event
Multi outcome architecture
Play Money - Offchain Prediction Market
-> Event outcomes -> Conditional Tokens[]
-> Conditional Token id | eg: 1 evnet | eg: 1 outcome title | eg: Yes current token supply | init 0 total liquidity | 0 users [{userid, tokenallocated}] | eg [[swapnil, 100], [tanuj, 200]]
-> TokenAllocation id | eg 1 userId Primary key conditionalTokenId Primary Key | eg 1 amount | eg 100
=> AMM 1. User will give token id 2. Tigdam -> Token Price 3. User will pay the Token Price 4. AMM will update the total liquidity of the Token and token supply [Mint new Token]
Event ID
Outcome ID
Trade Type
Current Price
Update volume by checking Outcome supply
Outcomes A | Outcome B
supply 200 150 Liquidity 4000 2000
Buy A -> Order AMM -> getprice A
Aweight A = A.liquidity / A.Supply totalWeight = A.liquidity / A.Supply + B.liquidity / B.Supply ... n
currentprice = Awight / totalWeight]
- Error in query apis sort by
- Trade/eventid giving all outcomes
- rename user-outcome-shares
eg buy and sell is done then volume is the additon of assets buyed and sold in total tx