Paris Dauphine University / CentraleSupelec / EPF
- Paris
(UTC +01:00) - www.linkedin.com/in/baptistezloch/
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/14989848/baptiste-zloch
- https://www.kaggle.com/baptistezloch
- channel/UCaPGRabUbcB_yHZmnKGJHcw
- channel/UC_z_SHFipTRltrwM6T_KsFg
Paris-Dauphine University project for the course API Bloomberg. The aim is to replicate the research paper : "The Stock Price Performance of Spin-Off Subsidiaries, Their Parents, and the Spin-Off E…
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2024 -
Replication of the research paper : "Discretization of continuous-time arbitrage strategies in financial markets with fBm""
Project for the course "Cross Asset Investment Solution" with Paris-Dauphine University. The aim is to create a cross asset investment solution for a corporate client.
"Structured Products in Python" project from Paris-Dauphine University lecture. This project is aimed to create a pricing engine for derivatives and structured products
Game-of-Life-cpp Public
Game of Life implementation in C++ console app.
C++ MIT License UpdatedFeb 12, 2024 -
Replication of the research paper : Forecasting high and low of financial time series by particle filters and Kalman filters
Quant-Invest-Lab Public
Quant Invest Lab is a project aimed to provide a set of basic tools for quantitative experiments. By quantitative experiment I mean trying to build your own set of investments solution.
Markets-sentiment-analysis Public
Repository aimed to gather my works on analyzing the sentiment over cryptos and stocks using several approaches.
Votre défi dans le projet "FastApiDecoratorBuilder" est de concevoir un décorateur Python qui transforme une fonction Python en une API FastAPI basée sur la fonction et des configurations définies.
Repository that gather all my experiments on building portfolios and optimizing it. Later I will mix this with me other trading strategies.
Markets-profiling Public
Repository aimed to gather my works on analyzing the volume of the market using several approaches.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 2, 2023 -
Repository aimed to gather my works on analyzing and processing a signal using frequency related tools over cryptos and stocks using several approaches
This repository holds my journey thought derivatives, pricing, maths and volatility associated.
trading financial-analysis stochastic-processes financial-markets derivatives-pricing finacial-mathematicsJupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 7, 2023 -
Repository of my research and implementations of machine learning algorithms applied to finance and especially trading strategies.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 18, 2023 -
This project is an API that allow you to get crypto history from KuCoin Exchange. No mater the timeframe, you are not limited to 1500 records per call. The fetch operation is done using timestamp w…
Arduino-WifiAP-RTC-SD Public
This repository is a reminder for me in order to keep a record about how to use an ESP8266 as an Access point wifi, how to use an SD card with an Arduino and how to use an RTC module.
C++ UpdatedJan 23, 2023 -
Repository that present an example of how to do image classification in a web page with TensorFlowJS using a TensorFlow model converted to JSON.
HTML UpdatedJan 22, 2023 -
Small repository in order to keep a record of how to use the several built-in sensors of the Arduino Nano33 BLE.
C UpdatedJan 22, 2023 -
This repository is dedicated to my tests using C# and ASCOM devkit to create form that can interact with my real setup.
C# UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
Repository dedicated to host python web assembly test project.
HTML UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
This repository is dedicated to the second tutorial of my youtube channell MakeIT. This project is about tiny machine learning and how to forecast weather using Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense.
Cheat-sheets Public
Repository dedicated to host my cheat sheets about several different technologies
UpdatedAug 8, 2022