Halliburton Inc (LTTS)
- Frisco, TX
- www.linkedin.com/in/sbarathwaja/
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qdUVkEMAAAAJ&hl=en
azure-iot-sdk-node Public
Forked from Azure/azure-iot-sdk-nodeA Node.js SDK for connecting devices to Microsoft Azure IoT services
JavaScript Other UpdatedAug 26, 2024 -
federated-learning Public
This repository is a base template for Federated Learning build using Flower with Aviation Dataset.
HTML UpdatedDec 6, 2023 -
federated Public
Forked from google-parfait/tensorflow-federatedA framework for implementing federated learning
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 5, 2023 -
flower Public
Forked from adap/flowerFlower: A Friendly Federated Learning Framework
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 13, 2023 -
csci515-android-location-app Public
This is an android application which uses google firebase to show the stores with offers from your nearby location.
streetscape.gl Public
Forked from aurora-opensource/streetscape.glVisualization framework for autonomy and robotics data encoded in XVIZ
waymo-open-dataset Public
Forked from waymo-research/waymo-open-datasetWaymo Open Dataset
mit-deep-learning Public
Forked from lexfridman/mit-deep-learningTutorials, assignments, and competitions for MIT Deep Learning related courses.
node-helloworld-docker Public
Sample NodeJS HelloWorld on Docker Container
NLP-Models-Tensorflow Public
Forked from mesolitica/NLP-Models-TensorflowGathers machine learning and Tensorflow deep learning models for NLP problems, 1.13 < Tensorflow < 2.0
baseweb Public
Forked from uber/basewebA React Component library implementing the Base design language
Nodes-App Public
Forked from yasmeen1995/Nodes-AppThis is to implement small time applications
barathwaja.github.io Public
This repository is to maintain the code for my resume website.
skill-weather Public
Forked from MycroftAI/skill-weatherMycroft AI official Weather Skill, providing weather conditions and forecasts.
udemy-docker-mastery Public
Forked from BretFisher/udemy-docker-masteryUdemy Course to build, compose, deploy, and manage containers from local development to high-availability in the cloud
ud120-projects Public
Forked from udacity/ud120-projectsStarter project code for students taking Udacity ud120
ludwig Public
Forked from ludwig-ai/ludwigLudwig is a toolbox built on top of TensorFlow that allows to train and test deep learning models without the need to write code.
jenkins.io Public
Forked from jenkins-infra/jenkins.ioA static site for the Jenkins automation server
jenkins Public
Forked from jenkinsci/jenkinsJenkins automation server
editable-web-quiz Public
Forked from devofthings/Quiz2Goa editable quiz based on js
future_kids Public
Forked from panterch/future_kidsFuture Kids supports primary school students who receive little or no support at school for their school assignments.
bootstrap Public
Forked from twbs/bootstrapThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
devops-intro-project Public
Forked from udacity/devops-intro-projectProject files for Intro to DevOps class
Status_Update_Bot Public
Forked from sandeshghanta/Status_Update_BotGet the status updates instantly via telegram bot
HelloWorld_Hacktober18 Public
Forked from KarinaKhinevich/HelloWorld_Hacktober18A simple repository to get beginners into the world of open source
1 UpdatedOct 18, 2018 -
how-to-start-messenger Public
Forked from bossbossk20/how-to-start-messengershow example how to start facebook messenger bot
ami Public
Forked from FNNDSC/amiAMI Medical Imaging (AMI) JS ToolKit for THREEJS
freeCodeCamp Public
Forked from freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCampThe https://freeCodeCamp.org open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
hangouts-chat-samples Public
Forked from googleworkspace/google-chat-samples