All Coursework from my CS61c (Great Ideas in Computer Architecture / Machine Structures) Course at UC Berkeley
CSAPP 3e Solutions, migrated to from which is being shut down.
计算机基础(计算机网络/操作系统/数据库/Git...)面试问题全面总结,包含详细的follow-up question以及答案;全部采用【问题+追问+答案】的形式,即拿即用,直击互联网大厂面试;可用于模拟面试、面试前复习、短期内快速备战面试...
The code when i read the book Understanding Unix/Linux Programming
FCC China open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
Sentiment Analysis with LSTMs in Tensorflow
Full Speed Python: a book for self-learners
TinySTL is a subset of STL(cut some containers and algorithms) and also a superset of STL(add some other containers and algorithms)