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Apache load-balancing based on Zookeeper service-discovery

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Apache load-balancing based on Zookeeper service-discovery

(Caveat: works with spring-cloud defaults for service-registration and health-check)

Provides the endpoints, registered in Zookeeper, to Apache. Either as a rewritemap-file, for RewriteRule-based loadbalancing, or as a true LoadBalancer-configuration.

The discovered endpoints are health-checked based on Spring-Boot's /actuator/health endpoint

The service-names, as they are registered in Zookeeper, are mapped to the /services/ on the Apache-root. Only characters [-_a-zA-Z0-9] are allowed in these service-names; all others are replaced with '-'.

Build it

git clone
cd zk-apache-bridge
mvn install

Test it in Docker

cd zkclientsample
docker-compose up -d
# repeat the following, and see the same ip-address in the reponse
curl http://localhost/zk-sample-client/zkclient

docker-compose up -d --scale zkclientsample=3
# give it some time, then repeat the following to see different  ip-addresses in the response
curl http://localhost/zk-client-sample/zkclient

# The RewriteRule-based loadbalancing listens on port 80, to see the LoadBalancer-configuration in action use port 8080 instead:
curl http://localhost:8080/services/zk-client-sample/zkclient

Run it with an existing Apache

java -jar zk-apache-bridge-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar

parameters:<zookeeper-url> (defaults to localhost:2181)<true|false> (default: true, makes zk-apache-bridge itself discoverable)

--zkapachebridge.healthcheck.interval=(default:20000, time in ms between healthchecks)

--zkapachebridge.urls.prefix=<prefix for the exposed endpoints> (defaults to 'services/')<true|false> (default: true)
--zkapachebridge.rewritemap.path=<path where to write the rewritemap> (default: /etc/apache2/maps/<true|false> (default: false)
--zkapachebridge.loadbalancer.path=<path where to write the LoadBalancer configuration> (default: /etc/apache2/maps/lbconfig.conf)
--zkapachebridge.loadbalancer.apache-reload=<command to restart apache after the LoadBalancer configuration has been updated) (default: apachectl graceful)
--zkapachebridge.loadbalancer.template=(default: /loadbalancer-config.ftl, location of the freemarker-template to construct the loadbalancer configuration)

Monitor it

# default port is 8080
# list services, endpoints and active-status
GET http://<host>:<port>/api/info
# show the resultant loadbalancer configuration
GET http://<host>:<port>/api/info/loadbalancer
# show the resultant rewritemap
GET http://<host>:<port>/api/info/rewritemap

Configure your application

You can enable or disable healtchecks on your application, and set an alternative health-check endpoint<true|false> (default:true)<endpoint where zk-apache-bridge should check for service health> (default:/actuator/health)

RewriteRule-based loadbalancing

See the RewriteMap Docker-image

Apache allows you include key-value pairs useable in RewriteRules with RewriteMap. A value can be a list (delimited with |), from where an entry is picked at random.

E.g. with map/apimap.txt


you can get either the ...0.1 or the ....0.2 address in a RewriteRule like this:

    RewriteMap apimap rnd:maps/apimap.txt 
    RewriteRule /service1/(.*) ${apimap:service1}/$1 [LP]

These RewriteMaps are reloaded dynamically, whenever they change.

This is the basis of the RewriteMap-based implementation, which is fully elaborated in zk-apache-bridge-docker/zk-apache-bridge-docker-rewritemap; take a look at the 000-default-conf file in there.

LoadBalancer-based loadbalancing

See the LoadBalancer Docker-image

RewriteMaps are quite limited for LoadBalancing: there's no other algorithm than the randomness of the map.

Apache httpd offers a better solution through the proxy_balancer module. The only downside: it's not dynamically reloadable (at least not based on dynamic service discovery). But Apache httpd itself allows you to restart it 'gracefully': this means it will load changed configuration in a new set of worker-processes, and the old worker-processes are allowed to handle their current requests and only then are killed.

When zk-apache-bridge receives a change in service-endpoints, it changes the Apache configuration, and then asks it to restart gracefully (using 'apachectl graceful'). The configuration it writes looks like this, for every service and every active endpoint:

<Proxy "balancer://service1">
    BalancerMember ""
    BalancerMember ""
ProxyPass        "/service1" "balancer://service1"

It's written to the path defined through --zkapachebridge.loadbalancer.path, which should be included in the Apache configuration with, e.g., Include maps/lbconfig.conf


Apache load-balancing based on Zookeeper service-discovery







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