Privacy-first, end-to-end encrypted Mail, Pages, Drive, and Calendar.
Librefox: Firefox with privacy enhancements
Lv2 suite of plugins for broadband noise reduction
A panel with extra options for shape key management in Blender.
Krita's Plugin - Quickly and easily get widget panel under the cursor
Krita is a free and open source cross-platform application that offers an end-to-end solution for creating digital art files from scratch built on the KDE and Qt frameworks.
A python script that can grab the Krita source code and generate auto-complete files
krita plugin that helps keep order of subwindows
A plugin to overhaul Krita's UI.
a Krita plugin to export animations as spritesheets
ZDoom ZScript syntax highlighter for KDE's Kate text editor.
a presentation mode extension for Talon to make it easier to talk without having to remember to switch modes all the time
Speech recognition framework allowing powerful Python-based scripting and extension of Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS), Windows Speech Recognition (WSR), Kaldi and CMU Pocket Sphinx
Cross-platform IDE for C, C++, Python, QML/JavaScript and PHP
A fast, high-precision and powerful cross-platform desktop calculator.
Open source API-compatible alternative to the text editor Sublime Text
Cross-platform text editor, written in Free Pascal
The cursor never loved you anyway
Overlay for running GPU shaders on top of Windows desktop
Don't let the cursor slow you down
Voice command set for Talon, community-supported.
PaletteGenerator is a Krita Docker that generates color scheme palette randomly or based of the selected scheme. There are 9 color scheme available togenerate from. Works best on srgb profile docum…
Blender Layer is a plugin that allows you to stream 3D View from Blender into Krita, behaving like a normal layer: You can trace over it, change the blending mode and even apply layer styles!