- Create a docker-compose.yml document with all informations :
- services, network and volumes
- enviroments variable link called env_file (reference to the .env file)
- Create a .env document with all keys requested for the applications (tmdb_key, omdb_key and MYSQL_key)
- Create a .gitignore document where we put all the informations we wont show (add the .env file in it)
- Create a .dockerignore document (the same as .gitignore)
- Create a dockerfile containing all informations to create the image
- In the commander line: $ docker-compose up
- In a new commander window: $ winpty docker-compose exec app sh
- Import all usefull libraries
- Create classes for differents objects: movies.py, person.py, apis (tmdb.py, omdb.py)
- Call the classes using functions in the main app.py
- Create arguments for differents actions(find, list, insert, import) depending on the different context (movie, people)
- Use differents command to show, find, insert, import informations from and into the database:
- $ python app.py people list
- $ python app.py movies list
- $ python app.py people insert --firstname "John" --lastname "Doe"
- $ python app.py movies insert --title "Star Wars, épisode VIII : Les Derniers Jedi" --duration 152 --original-title "Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi" --origin-country US
- $ python app.py movies import --file new_movies.csv
- $ python app.py import --api themoviedb --imdbld tt340493
- $ python app.py movies import --api themoviedb --year 2018
- $ python app.py movies import --api themoviedb --imdb_id tt420809
- $ python app.py movies import --api omdb --imdb_id tt3896198