Spetlik, R., Franc, V., Cech, J. and Matas, J. (2018) Visual Heart Rate Estimation with Convolutional Neural Network. In Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, 2018
See http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~spetlrad/ecg-fitness/ for the original paper and the ECG-Fitness dataset.
We support only the following plug-and-play installation. You don't have to follow the steps bellow, but it may happen that it will not work :( This setup should work regardless of the operation system (i.e. Windows and Linux is OK).
- Clone the repo to a directory of your preference with
git clone [email protected]:radimspetlik/hr-cnn.git
. - Change directory to the clonned repo.
- Install miniconda http://lmgtfy.com/?q=miniconda+install.
- Run
conda env update --file environment.yml
OR manually:- Create a Python 2.7 environment hr-cnn with
conda create -n hr-cnn python=2.7
. - Install docopt 0.6.2 with
conda install docopt=0.6.2
. - Install scipy 1.1.0 with
conda install scipy=1.1.0
- Install h5py 2.8.0 with
conda install h5py=2.8.0
- Install opencv 3.4.2 with
conda install opencv=3.4.2
- Install boost 1.65.1 with
conda install boost=1.65.1
- Install bob.blitz 2.0.16 with
conda install bob.blitz=2.0.16
- Install pytorch 0.4.0
conda install pytorch=0.4.0
- Install torchvision 0.2.1
conda install torchvision=0.2.1
- Install pillow 6.0.0
conda install pillow=6.0.0
- Install python-lmdb 0.94
conda install python-lmdb=0.94
- Create a Python 2.7 environment hr-cnn with
- Make sure you have the libav-tools library installed. If not, install with
sudo apt-get install libav-tools
- Activate the environment with
source activate hr-cnn
. - Add the data.
- Download the models from https://goo.gl/nCdkBk and extract them to
. - Copy the contents of the
directory (distributed in the 7zipped ECG Fitness database or available at https://goo.gl/aXDQiy) tobob/db/ecg_fitness/data/bbox/
. - Copy the contents of the
(available at https://goo.gl/9iw3LY) todata/experiments/cnn/ecg-fitness-face-192x128/15/01/
. - Copy the contents of the
(availabe at https://goo.gl/MFLXH2) todata/db
- Download the models from https://goo.gl/nCdkBk and extract them to
- Run the evaluation test script with
python test-evaluation.py
. The network will evaluate two sequences attached in the repo. You should get the following results:
[INFO]=== STATISTICS-whole train ===
[INFO]Root Mean Squared Error-whole = 8.38
[INFO]Mean of error-rate percentage-whole = 0.09
[INFO]Mean absolute error-whole = 8.30
[INFO]Pearson's correlation-whole = nan
[INFO]Pearson's correlation-whole significance = nan
[INFO]=== STATISTICS-whole test ===
[INFO]Root Mean Squared Error-whole = 8.38
[INFO]Mean of error-rate percentage-whole = 0.09
[INFO]Mean absolute error-whole = 8.30
[INFO]Pearson's correlation-whole = nan
[INFO]Pearson's correlation-whole significance = nan
WARNING - the computations are very GPU memory-demanding. Running the test script requires at least 12GB of GPU memory. If you don't have enough memory, try changing the batch_size
variable in the test.py
- Run the extractor training test script with
python -u test-extractor-training.py --plot-after 10 --batch-size 300 --epochs 2 --lr 0.0001 --x-lmdb-path-train 'data/db/ecg-fitness_face_linear-192x128_batch-300_test-train_X_lmdb' --y-lmdb-path-train 'data/db/ecg-fitness_face_linear-192x128_batch-300_test-train_y_lmdb' --x-lmdb-path-validation 'data/db/ecg-fitness_face_linear-192x128_batch-300_test-train_X_lmdb' --y-lmdb-path-validation 'data/db/ecg-fitness_face_linear-192x128_batch-300_test-train_y_lmdb' --output-to 'data/models/' --plots-path 'data/plots/' --net-architecture 'FaceHRNet09V4ELURGB'
. You should get the following results:
[INFO][0000][TRN] 5.294248 MAE: 39.3 MSE: 2127.2, 7056.0 (6s)
[INFO][0000][VAL] 5.288296 MAE: 27.8 MSE: 1185.5, 3249.0
[INFO][0001][TRN] 5.290246 MAE: 28.2 MSE: 1237.2, 4624.0 (6s)
[INFO][0001][VAL] 5.285192 MAE: 30.4 MSE: 1322.6, 3249.0
[INFO][0002][TRN] 5.283029 MAE: 24.2 MSE: 1131.5, 3844.0 (6s)
[INFO][0002][VAL] 5.274898 MAE: 17.2 MSE: 781.6, 2601.0
[INFO]Succesfully finished...
WARNING - the scripts assume that the batch size corresponds to a sample size with which the LMDB dataset was created - in our case, this is 300 frames per sample.
WARNING - note that in the BMVC paper, a SNR in equation (3) is presented as the extractor learning objective function. The first-version extractor network was learned with exactly this criterion. However, in the latest scripts presented in this repo (which are used in my diploma thesis available at https://dspace.cvut.cz/bitstream/handle/10467/77090/F3-DP-2018-Spetlik-Radim-robust_visual_heart_rate_estimation.pdf OR at http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~spetlrad/radim_spetlik-robust_visual_heart_rate_estimation.pdf) a cross-entropy objective function is used.
- Run the alternative optimization training test script with
python -u test-alternative-training.py --plot-after 100 --batch-size 300 --epochs 2 --extractor-lr 0.00001 --estimator-lr 0.01 --x-lmdb-path-train 'data/db/ecg-fitness_face_linear-192x128_batch-300_test-train_X_lmdb' --y-lmdb-path-train 'data/db/ecg-fitness_face_linear-192x128_batch-300_test-train_y_lmdb' --x-lmdb-path-validation 'data/db/ecg-fitness_face_linear-192x128_batch-300_test-train_X_lmdb' --y-lmdb-path-validation 'data/db/ecg-fitness_face_linear-192x128_batch-300_test-train_y_lmdb' --output-to 'data/models/' --plots-path 'data/plots/' --extractor-net-architecture 'FaceHRNet09V4ELURGB' --estimator-net-architecture 'SNREstimatorNetMonteCarlo' --extractor-model-path 'data/models/08-05-2018_23-04-07-384974_arch=FaceHRNet09V4ELURGB_lr=1E-05_batch-size=300_fine_tuning_extractor_val_mae_best' --estimator-model-path 'data/models/09-05-2018_09-52-57-210538_arch=SNREstimatorNetMonteCarlo_lr=1E-02_batch-size=300_fine-tuning_estimator_val_mae_best'
. You should get the following results:
[INFO][0000][VAL] MAE: 9.3 RMSE: 9.7
[INFO][0000] Training extractor
[INFO][0000][TRN] MAE: 9.3 RMSE: 9.8 (6s)
[INFO][0000][VAL] MAE: 8.3 RMSE: 8.7
[INFO][0001] Training extractor
[INFO][0001][TRN] MAE: 8.2 RMSE: 8.6 (6s)
[INFO][0001][VAL] MAE: 7.9 RMSE: 8.3
[INFO][0002] Training estimator
[INFO][0002][TRN] MAE: 9.5 RMSE: 10.4 (6s)
[INFO][0002][VAL] MAE: 6.2 RMSE: 6.8
[INFO]Succesfully finished...
WARNING - the scripts assume that the batch size corresponds to a sample size with which the LMDB dataset was created - in our case, this is 300 frames per sample.
Now you have been given all the training & validation scripts used in my research. The scripts would need a lot of polishing. There is simply no time to do that. If you want to cooperate with me on making the scripts better, let me know, please.
If you miss some script, e.g. scripts for making the LMDB or h5 datasets, let me know, please.
My scripts are using a minimalist hackish version of https://pypi.org/project/bob.rppg.base/. I am sorry for that. Be sure to check their repo. Just to be absolutely sure - everything you need from their repo to run my scripts is included in my repo.