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raspberry pi setup for SpinMaster project

1.connect to network

for now I just used GUI

2. setup ssh

sudo raspi-config

#under interface options enable ssh

3. install grafana

#Add the APT key used to authenticate packages:

 wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

#Add the Grafana APT repository:

 echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list

#Install Grafana:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y grafana

# To make sure Grafana starts up even if the Raspberry Pi is restarted,
# we need to enable and start the Grafana Systemctl service:
sudo /bin/systemctl enable grafana-server
sudo /bin/systemctl start grafana-server

# grafana should now be available on port 3000 with username: admin, password: admin.

# allow embedding by editing /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
sudo cp ./dashboard/grafana.ini /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
sudo systemctl restart grafana-server.service

#Add the built dashboards (raspi monitoring, spinmaster) using GUI to import json #TODO: automate this step

4. Set up apache2 webserver to serve the SpinMaster web interface.

sudo apt install -y apache2
sudo cp ./dashboard/webpage_with_embedded_grafana_dashboard.html /var/www/html/index.html

# Note you have to change the ip address in webpage_with_embedded_grafana_dashboard.html to machines ip.
# TODO: automate using generic, enviormental variable, or sed. 

# apache2 enable cgi scripts
cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
sudo ln -s ../mods-available/cgi.load

sudo mkdir /usr/local/apache2/
sudo mkdir /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin

# edit  /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
sudo cp ./dashboard/apache_000-default.conf  /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

#allow apache user www-data sudo privileges (not secure!)
    #sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/010_pi-nopasswd
    #add line:
    #www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

# copy cgi-bin scripts (backend of our webpage) 
cp ./dashboard/cgi-bin/* /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/


# first perl needs to be installed if it isnt already (my raspberrypios came with it installed)
# second the CGI module meeds to be installed
    sudo perl -e shell -MCPAN
    # follow config instructions as needed
    install CGI

5. Install influxdb DB

#add Influx repositories to apt:

wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -
source /etc/os-release
echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list

#Update apt with the new repos, & install.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y influxdb

#start the influxdb service and set it to run at boot:

sudo systemctl unmask influxdb.service
sudo systemctl start influxdb
sudo systemctl enable influxdb.service

#run the influx client and create a user

create database home
use home
create user grafana with password '' with all privileges
grant all privileges on home to grafana

6. telegraf - posts data to DB

curl -sL |sudo apt-key add -
DISTRIB_ID=$(lsb_release -c -s)
echo "deb ${DISTRIB_ID} stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y telegraf

#Add the user telegraf to the video group to allow telegraf to recollect info of the GPU temperature
sudo usermod -aG video telegraf

#Add capabilities to the “ping” binary to allow telegraf to execute ping checks
sudo setcap 'cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+ep' $(which ping)

# we'll have one service for raspberrypi monitoring dashboard, and another for the spinmaster dashboard 
    #(the spinmaster query is too frequent to use in the same config)

# raspberrypi monitoring config - always on 
sudo cp ./dashboard/telegraf.conf /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
sudo systemctl restart telegraf

# add another telegraf service for the spinmaster data
sudo cp ./dashboard/telegraf_spinmaster.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/telegraf_spinmaster.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

#add inluxdb data source via grafana web interface:
 #url: http://localhost:8086 , Database: home, User: grafana
 #example usage with [input.tail] set up in telegraf.conf :
     python3 sensors/thermistor_adc/ > /home/pi/thermistor_adc/thermistor_0.log &

7. shellinabox - web based SSH emulator

sudo apt-get install shellinabox

8. set up ADC

pigpio for dma pwm

cd pigpio-master
sudo make install

9. set up digital temperature sensors (DS18B20)

#enable one-wire interface # sudo raspi-config #choose interface options -> 1-wire

# load modules to the kernel
sudo modprobe w1_therm
sudo modprobe w1_gpio

# cat /boot/overlays/README  # documentation about the 'dtoverlay' feature and its syntax

# make sure internal pull up resistor is up (can also be done on python code) 
sudo raspi-gpio set 4 pu

# at this point machine may need to be rebooted

#read temperatures (once for each sensor, assuming no other 1-w devices on machine) # i=0; for sensor in realpath /sys/bus/w1/devices/28*/temperature; do echo Tc_digital_temp_sensor_$i cat $sensor| sed 's/\([0-9][0-9]\)\(.*\)/\1\.\2/'; i=$((i+1)); done


#TODO make the python script accept command line args for more flexibility

#first run setup as explained in:


#the /the-raspberry-pi-guy/lcd repository is already in ./spinmaster_lcd/lcd

#add systemd unit file

 sudo cp /home/pi/rasberrypi_for_spinmaster/spinmaster_lcd/spinmaster_lcd_ip.service /lib/systemd/system/

#note: should use relative path here for better portability


sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable spinmaster_lcd_ip.service

#to see the text on lcd start now or rebbot

#sudo systemctl start spinmaster_lcd_ip.service

#sudo reboot

Useful tools:

sudo apt install i2c-tools


raspberry pi setup for SpinMaster project






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