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MDL-53980 lang: Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack
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wildgirl authored and mudrd8mz committed Apr 28, 2016
1 parent 6bd3ab0 commit a5061bf
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Showing 16 changed files with 65 additions and 79 deletions.
37 changes: 20 additions & 17 deletions admin/tool/lp/lang/en/tool_lp.php
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$string['addtemplatecompetencies'] = 'Add competencies to learning plan template';
$string['aisrequired'] = '\'{$a}\' is required';
$string['aplanswerecreated'] = '{$a} learning plans were created.';
$string['aplanswerecreatedmoremayrequiresync'] = '{$a} learning plans were created, more will be created during the next synchronization.';
$string['aplanswerecreatedmoremayrequiresync'] = '{$a} learning plans were created; more will be created during the next synchronisation.';
$string['assigncohorts'] = 'Assign cohorts';
$string['averageproficiencyrate'] = 'The average proficiency rate for completed learning plans based on this template is {$a} %';
$string['cancelreviewrequest'] = 'Cancel review request';
$string['cannotaddrules'] = 'This competency cannot be configured.';
$string['cannotcreateuserplanswhentemplateduedateispassed'] = 'New learning plans can not be created: this template\'s due date has, or is about to, expire.';
$string['cannotcreateuserplanswhentemplatehidden'] = 'New learning plans can not be created while this template is hidden.';
$string['cannotcreateuserplanswhentemplateduedateispassed'] = 'New learning plans cannot be created. The template due date has expired, or is about to expire.';
$string['cannotcreateuserplanswhentemplatehidden'] = 'New learning plans cannot be created while this template is hidden.';
$string['category'] = 'Category';
$string['chooserating'] = 'Choose a rating...';
$string['cohortssyncedtotemplate'] = 'Cohorts synced to this learning plan template';
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$string['competencyframework'] = 'Competency framework';
$string['competencyframeworkcreated'] = 'Competency framework created.';
$string['competencyframeworkname'] = 'Name';
$string['competencyframeworkroot'] = 'No parent (Top level competency)';
$string['competencyframeworkroot'] = 'No parent (top-level competency)';
$string['competencyframeworks'] = 'Competency frameworks';
$string['competencyframeworkupdated'] = 'Competency framework updated.';
$string['competencyoutcome_complete'] = 'Mark as complete';
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$string['competencyrule'] = 'Competency rule';
$string['competencyupdated'] = 'Competency updated';
$string['completeplan'] = 'Complete this learning plan';
$string['completeplanconfirm'] = 'Set the learning plan \'{$a}\' to completed? The current status of all the users competencies in this plan will be recorded, and the plan will become read only.';
$string['completeplanconfirm'] = 'Set the learning plan \'{$a}\' to completed? If so, the current status of all users\' competencies will be recorded, and the plan will become read only.';
$string['configurecoursecompetencysettings'] = 'Configure course competencies';
$string['configurescale'] = 'Configure scales';
$string['coursecompetencies'] = 'Course competencies';
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$string['default'] = 'Default';
$string['deletecompetency'] = 'Delete competency \'{$a}\'?';
$string['deletecompetencyframework'] = 'Delete competency framework \'{$a}\'?';
$string['deletecompetencyparenthasrule'] = 'Delete competency \'{$a}\'? This will also remove the rule set on its parent.';
$string['deletecompetencyparenthasrule'] = 'Delete competency \'{$a}\'? This will also remove the rule set for its parent.';
$string['deleteplan'] = 'Delete learning plan \'{$a}\'?';
$string['deleteplans'] = 'Delete the learning plans';
$string['deletetemplate'] = 'Delete learning plan template \'{$a}\'?';
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$string['edituserevidence'] = 'Edit evidence';
$string['evidence'] = 'Evidence';
$string['findcourses'] = 'Find courses';
$string['frameworkcannotbedeleted'] = 'The competency framework \'{$a}\' can not be deleted';
$string['frameworkcannotbedeleted'] = 'The competency framework \'{$a}\' cannot be deleted';
$string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$string['hiddenhint'] = '(hidden)';
$string['idnumber'] = 'Id number';
$string['idnumber'] = 'ID number';
$string['inheritfromframework'] = 'Inherit from competency framework (default)';
$string['itemstoadd'] = 'Items to add';
$string['jumptocompetency'] = 'Jump to competency';
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$string['movecompetency'] = 'Move competency';
$string['movecompetencyafter'] = 'Move competency after \'{$a}\'';
$string['movecompetencyframework'] = 'Move competency framework';
$string['movecompetencytochildofselfwillresetrules'] = 'Moving the competency will remove its own rule, and the rules set on its parent and destination. Do you want to continune?';
$string['movecompetencywillresetrules'] = 'Moving the competency will remove the rules set on its parent and destination. Do you want to continune?';
$string['movecompetencytochildofselfwillresetrules'] = 'Moving the competency will remove its own rule, and the rules set for its parent and destination. Do you want to continue?';
$string['movecompetencywillresetrules'] = 'Moving the competency will remove the rules set for its parent and destination. Do you want to continue?';
$string['moveframeworkafter'] = 'Move competency framework after \'{$a}\'';
$string['movetonewparent'] = 'Relocate';
$string['myplans'] = 'My learning plans';
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$string['noplanswerecreated'] = 'No learning plans were created.';
$string['notemplates'] = 'No learning plan templates have been created yet.';
$string['nourl'] = 'No URL';
$string['nouserevidence'] = 'No evidence of prior learning have been added yet.';
$string['nouserevidence'] = 'No evidence of prior learning has been added yet.';
$string['nouserplans'] = 'No learning plans have been created yet.';
$string['oneplanwascreated'] = 'A learning plan was created';
$string['outcome'] = 'Outcome';
$string['path'] = 'Path:';
$string['parentcompetency'] = 'Parent';
$string['parentcompetency_edit'] = 'Edit parent';
$string['parentcompetency_help'] = 'Define the parent under which the competency will be added. It can either be another competency within the same framework, or the root of the competency framework for a top level competency.';
$string['parentcompetency_help'] = 'Define the parent under which the competency will be added. It can either be another competency within the same framework, or the root of the competency framework for a top-level competency.';
$string['planapprove'] = 'Make active';
$string['plancompleted'] = 'Learning plan completed';
$string['plancreated'] = 'Learning plan created';
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$string['ratingaffectsonlycourse'] = 'Rating a competency only updates the competency in this course';
$string['ratingaffectsuserplans'] = 'Rating a competency also updates the competency in all of the learning plans';
$string['reopenplan'] = 'Reopen this learning plan';
$string['reopenplanconfirm'] = 'Reopen the learning plan \'{$a}\'? The status of the users competencies that was recorded at the time the plan was previously completed will be deleted, and the plan will become active again.';
$string['reopenplanconfirm'] = 'Reopen the learning plan \'{$a}\'? If so, the status of the users\' competencies that was recorded at the time the plan was previously completed will be deleted, and the plan will become active again.';
$string['requestreview'] = 'Request review';
$string['reviewer'] = 'Reviewer';
$string['reviewstatus'] = 'Review status';
$string['savechanges'] = 'Save changes';
$string['scale'] = 'Scale';
$string['scale_help'] = 'A scale determines how proficiency is measured in a competency. After selecting a scale, you must configure it. The item selected for Default is the rating that will be assigned when a competency is set to be automatically completed. The items selected for Proficient indicate which values will mark the competencies as proficient when they are rated.';
$string['scale_help'] = 'A scale determines how proficiency is measured in a competency. After selecting a scale, it needs to be configured.
* The item selected as \'Default\' is the rating given when a competency is automatically completed.
* The item(s) selected as \'Proficient\' indicate(s) which value(s) will mark the competencies as proficient when they are rated.';
$string['scalevalue'] = 'Scale value';
$string['search'] = 'Search...';
$string['selectcohortstosync'] = 'Select cohorts to sync';
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$string['taxonomy_selected_value'] = 'Selected value';
$string['template'] = 'Learning plan template';
$string['templatebased'] = 'Template based';
$string['templatecohortnotsyncedwhileduedateispassed'] = 'Cohorts will not be synchronized while the template\'s due date is passed.';
$string['templatecohortnotsyncedwhilehidden'] = 'Cohorts will not be synchronized while this template is hidden.';
$string['templatecohortnotsyncedwhileduedateispassed'] = 'Cohorts will not be synchronised if the template\'s due date has passed.';
$string['templatecohortnotsyncedwhilehidden'] = 'Cohorts will not be synchronised while this template is hidden.';
$string['templatecompetencies'] = 'Learning plan template competencies';
$string['templatecreated'] = 'Learning plan template created';
$string['templatename'] = 'Name';
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$string['userevidenceurl'] = 'URL';
$string['viewdetails'] = 'View details';
$string['visible'] = 'Visible';
$string['visible_help'] = 'A competency framework can be hidden from teachers. This could be useful if a framework is still in the process of being developed.';
$string['visible_help'] = 'A competency framework can be hidden whilst it is being set up or updated to a new version.';
$string['when'] = 'When';
$string['xcompetencieslinkedoutofy'] = '{$a->x} out of {$a->y} competencies linked to courses';
$string['xcompetenciesproficientoutofy'] = '{$a->x} out of {$a->y} competencies are proficient';
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28 changes: 16 additions & 12 deletions admin/tool/lpmigrate/lang/en/tool_lpmigrate.php
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defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

$string['allowedcourses'] = 'Courses allowed';
$string['allowedcourses_help'] = 'When at least one course is specified, the migration will only occur on the courses listed here.';
$string['allowedcourses_help'] = 'Select courses to be migrated to the new framework. If no course is specified, then all courses will be migrated.';
$string['continuetoframeworks'] = 'Continue to frameworks';
$string['coursecompetencymigrations'] = 'Course competency migrations';
$string['coursemodulecompetencymigrations'] = 'Course module competency migrations';
$string['coursemodulecompetencymigrations'] = 'Course activity and resource competency migrations';
$string['coursesfound'] = 'Courses found';
$string['coursemodulesfound'] = 'Course modules found';
$string['coursemodulesfound'] = 'Course activities or resources found';
$string['coursestartdate'] = 'Courses start date';
$string['coursestartdate_help'] = 'When enabled, courses with a start date prior to the one specified here will not be migrated.';
$string['coursestartdate_help'] = 'If enabled, courses with a start date prior to the date specified will not be migrated.';
$string['disallowedcourses'] = 'Disallowed courses';
$string['disallowedcourses_help'] = 'Any course specified here will not be migrated.';
$string['disallowedcourses_help'] = 'Select any courses which should NOT be migrated to the new framework.';
$string['errorcannotmigratetosameframework'] = 'Cannot migrate from and to the same framework.';
$string['errorcouldnotmapcompetenciesinframework'] = 'Could not map to any competency in this framework.';
$string['errors'] = 'Errors';
$string['errorwhilemigratingcoursecompetencywithexception'] = 'Error while migrating the course competency: {$a}';
$string['errorwhilemigratingmodulecompetencywithexception'] = 'Error while migrating the course module competency: {$a}';
$string['errorwhilemigratingmodulecompetencywithexception'] = 'Error while migrating the activity or resource competency: {$a}';
$string['excludethese'] = 'Exclude these';
$string['explanation'] = 'When updating a competency framework to a newer version, this tool can be used to search for competencies in courses and course modules using the older framework, and update the links to point to the new framework. This works by finding competencies with matching ID numbers in the two frameworks, and then mapping all of the competency links in the specified list of courses to point to the new version of the competency in the new framework. It is not recommended to edit the old set of competencies directly as this would change all of the competencies that have already been awarded in users learning plans. Typically you would import the new version of a framework, hide the old framework, and use this tool to migrate new courses to the new framework.';
$string['explanation'] = 'This tool can be used to update a competency framework to a newer version. It searches for competencies in courses and activities using the older framework, and updates the links to point to the new framework.
It is not recommended to edit the old set of competencies directly, as this would change all of the competencies that have already been awarded in users\' learning plans.
Typically you would import the new version of a framework, hide the old framework, then use this tool to migrate new courses to the new framework.';
$string['findingcoursecompetencies'] = 'Finding course competencies';
$string['findingmodulecompetencies'] = 'Finding module competencies';
$string['findingmodulecompetencies'] = 'Finding activity and resource competencies';
$string['frameworks'] = 'Frameworks';
$string['limittothese'] = 'Limit to these';
$string['lpmigrate:frameworksmigrate'] = 'Migrate frameworks';
$string['migrateframeworks'] = 'Migrate frameworks';
$string['migratefrom'] = 'Migrate from';
$string['migratefrom_help'] = 'Select the framework to migrate from.';
$string['migratefrom_help'] = 'Select the older framework currently in use.';
$string['migratemore'] = 'Migrate more';
$string['migrateto'] = 'Migrate to';
$string['migrateto_help'] = 'Select the framework to migrate to. Note that it must be not be hidden.';
$string['migrateto_help'] = 'Select the newer version of the framework. It is only possible to select a framework which is not hidden.';
$string['migratingcourses'] = 'Migrating courses';
$string['missingmappings'] = 'Missing mappings';
$string['performmigration'] = 'Perform migration';
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$string['startdatefrom'] = 'Start date from';
$string['unmappedin'] = 'Unmapped in {$a}';
$string['warningcouldnotremovecoursecompetency'] = 'The course competency could not be removed.';
$string['warningcouldnotremovemodulecompetency'] = 'The course module competency could not be removed.';
$string['warningcouldnotremovemodulecompetency'] = 'The activity or resource competency could not be removed.';
$string['warningdestinationcoursecompetencyalreadyexists'] = 'The destination course competency already exists.';
$string['warningdestinationmodulecompetencyalreadyexists'] = 'The destination course module competency already exists.';
$string['warningdestinationmodulecompetencyalreadyexists'] = 'The destination activity or resource competency already exists.';
$string['warnings'] = 'Warnings';
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion auth/db/lang/en/auth_db.php
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$string['auth_dbname_key'] = 'DB name';
$string['auth_dbpass'] = 'Password matching the above username';
$string['auth_dbpass_key'] = 'Password';
$string['auth_dbpasstype'] = '<p>Specify the format that the password field is using. MD5 hashing is useful for connecting to other common web applications like PostNuke.</p> <p>Use \'internal\' if you want to the external DB to manage usernames &amp; email addresses, but Moodle to manage passwords. If you use \'internal\', you <i>must</i> provide a populated email address field in the external DB, and you must execute both admin/cron.php and auth/db/cli/sync_users.php regularly. Moodle will send an email to new users with a temporary password.</p>';
$string['auth_dbpasstype'] = '<p>Specify the format that the password field is using. MD5 hashing is useful for connecting to other common web applications like PostNuke.</p> <p>Use \'internal\' if you want the external database to manage usernames and email addresses, but Moodle to manage passwords. If you use \'internal\', you <i>must</i> provide a populated email address field in the external database, and you must execute both admin/cron.php and auth/db/cli/sync_users.php regularly. Moodle will send an email to new users with a temporary password.</p>';
$string['auth_dbpasstype_key'] = 'Password format';
$string['auth_dbreviveduser'] = 'Revived user {$a->name} id {$a->id}';
$string['auth_dbrevivedusererror'] = 'Error reviving user {$a}';
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion auth/ldap/lang/en/auth_ldap.php
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$string['auth_ldap_gracelogins_key'] = 'Grace logins';
$string['auth_ldap_groupecreators'] = 'List of groups or contexts whose members are allowed to create groups. Separate multiple groups with \';\'. Usually something like \'cn=teachers,ou=staff,o=myorg\'';
$string['auth_ldap_groupecreators_key'] = 'Group creators';
$string['auth_ldap_host_url'] = 'Specify LDAP host in URL-form like \'ldap://\' or \'ldaps://\' Separate multipleservers with \';\' to get failover support.';
$string['auth_ldap_host_url'] = 'Specify LDAP host in URL-form like \'ldap://\' or \'ldaps://\'. Separate multiple servers with \';\' to get failover support.';
$string['auth_ldap_host_url_key'] = 'Host URL';
$string['auth_ldap_changepasswordurl_key'] = 'Password-change URL';
$string['auth_ldap_ldap_encoding'] = 'Specify encoding used by LDAP server. Most probably utf-8, MS AD v2 uses default platform encoding such as cp1252, cp1250, etc.';
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions blocks/lp/lang/en/block_lp.php
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defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

$string['competenciestoreview'] = 'Competencies to review';
$string['lp:addinstance'] = 'Adding a new block';
$string['lp:myaddinstance'] = 'Adding the block on the dashboard';
$string['lp:view'] = 'Viewing the block';
$string['lp:addinstance'] = 'Add a new learning plans block';
$string['lp:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new learning plans block to Dashboard';
$string['lp:view'] = 'View learning plans block';
$string['planstoreview'] = 'Plans to review';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Learning plans';
$string['viewmore'] = 'View more...';
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lang/en/auth.php
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$string['getanothercaptcha'] = 'Get another CAPTCHA';
$string['guestloginbutton'] = 'Guest login button';
$string['changepassword'] = 'Change password URL';
$string['changepasswordhelp'] = 'Here you can specify a location at which your users can recover or change their username/password if they\'ve forgotten it. This will be provided to users as a button on the login page and their user page. If you leave this blank the button will not be printed.';
$string['changepasswordhelp'] = 'URL of lost password recovery page, which will be sent to users in an email. Note that this setting will have no effect if a forgotten password URL is set in the authentication common settings.';
$string['chooseauthmethod'] = 'Choose an authentication method';
$string['chooseauthmethod_help'] = 'This setting determines the authentication method used when the user logs in. Only enabled authentication plugins should be chosen, otherwise the user will no longer be able to log in. To block the user from logging in, select "No login".';
$string['incorrectpleasetryagain'] = 'Incorrect. Please try again.';
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lang/en/cohort.php
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$string['namecolumnmissing'] = 'There is something wrong with the format of the CSV file. Please check that it includes column names.';
$string['namefieldempty'] = 'Field name can not be empty';
$string['newnamefor'] = 'New name for cohort {$a}';
$string['newidnumberfor'] = 'New idnumber for cohort {$a}';
$string['newidnumberfor'] = 'New ID number for cohort {$a}';
$string['nocomponent'] = 'Created manually';
$string['potusers'] = 'Potential users';
$string['potusersmatching'] = 'Potential matching users';
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