C++ library which supports various minimizer schemes for digestion of DNA sequences
Supports Mod Minimizers, Window Minimizers, and Syncmers
Uses the cyclic or hash provided by ntHash. For now I just downloaded the essential files off their github and compiled it myself but I may change how I link in ntHash in the future.
Tests were written using the Catch2 unit testing framework.
As ntHash only hashes ACTG characters, this library can also only hash ACTG characters. Any kmer that contains a non-ACTG character will be skipped over, for example is the kmer size is 4, and the sequence is ACCGNATTGC, only ACCG, ATTG, and TTGC will be hashed and considered for being a minimizer.
Mod Minimzer classifies a kmer as a minimizer if the hash of the kmer is congruent to the user specified value in the user specified mod-space.
Window Minimizer classifies a kmer as a minimizer if it is the smallest in the user specifed large window, using rightmost kmer to break ties.
Syncmer classifies a large window as a minimizer if its smallest value is equal to the value of the hashes of the leftmost or rightmost kmer in the window (doesn't care if the smallest hash value is not unique). Because of how the large window is defined and how this library handles skipping over non-ACTG characters, if your sequence has non-ACTG characters, it is possible for this large window to have varying lengths in terms of number of characters.
We use Meson. (Very) old version will not work.
PREFIX is an absolute path to install location. If excluded, will install to system libraries.
meson setup --prefix=PREFIX --buildtype=release build
meson install -C build
This will generate include
and lib
- Headers at
#include <digest/___.hpp>
- Classes are in
namespace - example compile:
g++ file.cpp -IPREFIX/include -LPREFIX/lib -ldigest
- may need
- ntHash does not support
large_window < 4
digest::WindowMin<digest::ds::Naive<8>> wm(str, 16, 8);
std::vector<size_t> temp;
wm.roll_minimizer(100000, temp);
Example snippet to collect up to 100000 indices of minimizers. A vector must be passed in, which will be appended to. Each WindowMin / Syncmer object is templated by the algorithm / data structure to find minimizers.
our general guidelines:
- for
< 12, use Naive - for 12 <=
<= 16 use SegmentTree - for
> 16 use Naive2
adaptive performs at worst about 10% slower than best
adaptive64 performs at worst about 100% slower than best
ninja clang-format
ninja clang-tidy
ninja docs
meson setup build
cd build && meson compile
this will generate proper executables for benchmark/testing
add to forked repo